How to convert PNG to WebP in batch mode (WebP converter)?

Benefits of converting JPG to WebP online.


How to convert PNG to WebP

We share so many things over the internet. What concerns us during these shares is losing the quality of the file. This especially happens with images. A quality image in High Definition will be bulkier and difficult to transfer. Reduction of size results in loss of image quality. Then how to tackle this problem?

WebP is the new age modern image format that allows the user to compress the images and keep them in superior quality on the web. With WebP, you can compress your images in a lossless and lossy way.

Traditional methods to reduce PNG image size:

Before WebP, quite a few traditional methods have been ruling this domain. These compression tools are convenient to use, but they do reduce the image quality. Here are a few traditional methods that are used regularly for reducing png image size.

1. Using photoshop by resaving PNG to JPG/JPEG:

Adobe Photoshop is often used to compress the size of the png image by converting it to jpg. The jpg is, however, in the lossy compression form. The quality of the image is not 100% of what you had in the beginning. With lossy compression, the quality of the image reduces, but it stays close to your actual image, just like a sketch. With photoshop, you can adjust the dimensions of the pictures to bring down the resolution.

For doing so, press “Ctrl-Alt-I.” The command will open the Image Size dialogue box. In that box, choose the “resample image” from the drop-down menu. Put the reduced dimensions in the appropriate boxes. Then save the image under jpg with a different or same name.

2. Using online tools like Tinypng:

It is not necessary to download software if you want to reduce the image size. There are loads of options available online that help you reduce the size of the image free of cost.

Websites like Tiny-png are a great choice if you want to compress an image immediately. These websites reduce image size with lossy compression methods. Your image quality is not completely deteriorated, and the size is reduced by 50-80%. All you are required to do is upload the image and press enter. The online tool will do the magic and provide you with satisfying results.

Use the WebP image format by converting PNG to WebP:

With advancing technology, you don’t have to keep compromising with deteriorated images with every share or compression. Just use WebP image format to compress your images without impacting their quality. WebP has both lossy and lossless compression formats that reduce the image size up to 35% more than the jpg format.


WebP is the latest image formatting tool. It has gained popularity because it does not affect the quality of the image on compression. With a WebP converter, you can convert your PNG images to WebP format. Here, I recommend that you can use this WebP Converter Online.

By doing so, you are not just reducing the size of the image, you are also preserving its actual quality. The WebP converter reconstructs the image exactly how it appears in the beginning, with the new pixels. As a result, no information is lost in the process, and your image quality stays intact.

free WebP Converter Online for png files


The WebP convertor is, simply, the perfect choice if you use image conversion regularly. This is a 100% free converter that allows you to convert up to thirty images in a single upload. You don’t have to worry about your personal data being at risk. The best part about the WebP converter is that none of the images is uploaded or stored on the main server. It is a highly fast way to convert your images without any hassle.

With the offline version, you don’t require a solid internet connection as well. All you have to do is upload the images and let the conversion begin. It works perfectly with windows as well as Mac software. You can use WebP converter to convert images from png/jpg to WebP and vice versa.

To sum it up:

It is time to bid adios to the old, rusted image converters that take a significant amount of your time to deliver subpar quality results. Switch to the WebP converter and experience image compression is superior quality.


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