6 Best Xbox Games of all time: Editor’s pick


6 Best Xbox Games of all time

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Check out our editor’s pick of 6 best Xbox Games of all time. where you can get The latest and greatest MTG Arena Codes from the MTGA Codes Webstore. It keeps the Xbox library feeling fresh and diverse. Playing and emerging in all these video games can also take you to select Gaming as your career, not just a hobby.

1. The Medium

We will start with The Medium, which is a great game, but what it showed us was completely new, and it was the first exclusive Xbox series X and S title. In this third-person horror, you play as a spirit guide who has traveled over to a barren part of Poland to try and find out where her psychic and strange power came from. 

As she tracks downs clues and gets even more profound to her dark origin story, the screen will sometimes split into two, and you have to work simultaneously in the physical world and the spiritual plain to get the job done. It depicts the other side of the world that can give nightmares.

Between its mind-bending split-screen mechanics and its profoundly creepy art design, The Medium is one of the uniquely chilling games of the new console generation.

the medium xbox game

2. Resident Evil Village

If you are looking for slightly less form of mind-bending terror, a trip to Resident Evil Village might be a good choice for you. The town has added another bona fide horror classic to the Xbox catalog. The latest entry in the legendary survival horror series also keeps things continental.

The protagonist in the game finds himself trapped in a horrific Transylvanian village, with a young daughter reduced and an awful lot of scary people who intend to get into his way.

Again, we get to see the firm medieval power of the series XX’s range of display effects, creating the kind of soft illumination that makes the whole world feel that accurate. And it helps every inch of the village, and its horrifying inhabitants have been meticulously crafted to make them as unsettling as possible.

Resident Evil Village game poster

3. It Takes Two

In recent years, we have a lot of games using tried and tested genres. It Takes Two continues that trend by creating a cooperative platformer that is also basically the world’s most charming couple’s therapy session. 

A couple is playing as the main character in this game is struggling to keep their marriage together when something unexpected happens, turning them into dolls. If they ever want to make it back to their human body, they have to do one thing they have been struggling to do for years: work together. It is full of complete ingenious toy story’s level design. ‘It takes two’ is an immensely charming platformer with a big-hearted message and some gorgeous visuals.

Thanks to the intelligent delivery, you will always be able to through your relationship issues in the highest definition with console support.

It Takes Two game

4. Outriders

Outriders is another action game that gives you access to a wide variety of firepower. It is one of the best Xbox games of all time.  When the players try to find a new home for humanity, humanity is interrupted by a freak electrical storm. Things quickly got all mad. Outriders are at their best when you team up with a couple of friends – combining your newfound abilities with good old-fashioned gun powder.

All the destructive antiques look slick, especially on the series X and S, where the game rolls on the 4K 60 display.

It is one of the biggest releases we have seen this year, and it landed directly on the game box. Outriders is another action game that gives you access to a wide variety of firepower. When the players try to find a new home for humanity, humanity is interrupted by a freak electrical storm.

outsiders x box game

5. Psychonauts 2

This game picks up right from where it left off in its previous game – modernizing the first game’s formula while maintaining everything that makes it unique, from its strange beloved characters to the fantastical mental worlds inside their heads. Those who haven’t played a previous game will get caught up with an adorable short intro video, which does an entertaining job of providing vital information to work well enough in the follow-up game. 

The 10-year-old protagonist at the Psychonautic headquarters realizes that he hasn’t been made an agent but rather labeled an intern. To truly earn his stripes, he’s got some more training to do and, of course, without spoilers. Things quickly escalate from there into an outstanding story that simultaneously raises high stakes and does a phenomenal job of expanding the psychonauts world while still recapturing the signature vibe of the original high-tech spy headquarter.

This game is worth the wait for all the Psychonauts lovers.

psychonauts 2 game poster

6. Ouija

With Ouija, it all comes down to the aesthetic – the muted color palette, the hushed tones when characters speak, the overarching sense of loss and despair that permeates the game. And the most notable part about the game is the antiquated visuals they have maintained in the game, and your friend plays on his computer every afternoon.

It is a fairly standard action game of all time.

It depicts the other side of the world that can give nightmares. It roots itself into anonymities in the ever-distant, progressively forgotten past, with all the warmth and sadness that infers. The game takes place in a world full of danger and unraveling secrets. It is a fantastic, satisfying game without touching high notes of difficulty.

ouija game play

Liked our picks? Let us know your list of best Xbox Games of all time.

If you love all these, why not to choose it as a profession? Check out the job opportunities in Games. If you feel that it is your calling, go for it. You will be able to play the game first hand, you will contribute in making of it and so on.