Work like a charm: Advice on how to improve workplace productivity

How to improve workplace productivity tips

Running your own business is an exciting experience, much like running a circus. Whether you are a one-person team or have several people working under you, when it comes to making sure your business stays productive and running, there are several things to take care of. To begin with, in keeping your productivity up and your customers happy, one must always aim to streamline workflow. 

To understand the importance of streamlining workflow, we must first define what workflow is. describes workflow as a repeated set of operations or actions assigned to an employee to ensure companies meet work objectives. Meeting these goals in the most efficient way possible helps your business functions better and keeps it afloat.

If you’re a small business owner, consider the following advice we’ve listed below to optimize your workflow and continue to help your business adapt to an ever-changing business environment.

1. Standardize your work processes

One thing that makes each person unique is interpreting instructions given to them or how they interpret things. This trait can be beneficial when brainstorming for ideas. But when it comes to getting work done, you’ll find that having one standard operating procedure for certain tasks will help things get done faster, better, and up to standard. Research and identify the most effective ways to achieve your business goals—be it processing invoices more quickly or reaching the target amount of products for that day.

Make sure to document your SOPs so that you’ll have a written list of how you do things in your business when you orient new hires. Documentation also helps remind senior employees how to get things done when they forget.

2. Communicate effectively and efficiently

This applies to both customers and employees but let’s focus on communicating better with your employees and how this will affect your business. Suppose you have several people working for you, one person to a dozen people or more. You will want them to know why they work for you and how they can work more efficiently to help achieve your business’s goals. Make sure you learn to convey what you mean well. Your employees understand where you are coming from and allow for communication between everyone in the company to boost productivity.

One good idea is to utilize communication software. With this software, you can quickly notify everyone of any announcements or changes and cloud-sharing files to centralize essential files and documents.

3. Automate what you can

As part of improving the efficiency of your workflow, if there is anything you can automate, do it. Automating tasks helps save you more time to focus on more pressing tasks than manually dealing with repetitive work. One excellent example of automating tasks is utilizing biometrics for your employees instead of logging their attendance in a notebook, old-school style. If your business requires you to inventory multiple items, consider logging the records in an Excel file.

Suppose you work in the tax industry. Consider taking advantage of a recently updated chart that compares tax data software to help you run your business more efficiently. In an industry that requires you to keep track of multiple things at the same time? Consider utilizing work-tracking software you can find online.

how to automate business process

4. Create a good working environment

You won’t be operating above costs if your employees spend most of their time at work on their social media accounts or taking bathroom breaks. This is not to say that you should micromanage your employees’ time and ban bathroom breaks. Your employees are human, and if they work for a business that values them, your team will return your effort tenfold.

A tip, however, should employees seem to be distracted at every turn is to limit the amount of time they spend on social media. You can also eliminate time-wasting activities and encourage your employees to write down thoughts that interrupt their focus on a notebook. This way, they can come back later and work on it then.

5. Listen to feedback

Lastly, to improve your services and keep your business afloat, make sure to be humble enough to listen for feedback from your team and your customers. Many companies have closed or folded due to upper management not having a realistic idea of what is happening. And should you notice that something isn’t working quite well or can do with an improvement, be open enough to change.

Do not get stuck in one mindset. The businesses that have survived in their field for so long are not afraid of innovation.

Every business owner wants their business to not only survive but thrive. With these tips, you can bring success to your company, now and in the future.