All you need to know about Slapshot: AI roto automation tool


slapshot VFX AI roto automation tool

In the age of AI in VFX industry, automation is the key. Slapshot, by Hotspring, is the latest AI roto automation tool for the visual effects industry. With the help of AI and ML algorithms, it is trained on a huge number of stock footages and datasets of video contents of different complexities. A team of veteran VFX artists are behind it, which makes it an ideal tool for our AVGC industry. 

In this case study article, we will discuss all you need to know about Slapshot and its workaround for any roto job. For the same, we thanks Mr. Arvind Kumar (General Manager, Hotspring) for his support. So, without further ado, let’s start. 

1. What is the vision of Hotspring company?

The vision of Hotspring is to create an improved model of VFX outsourcing by leveraging a trusted network of world class talent, dedicated producers, and an integrated platform to ensure smooth project execution. We provide high-quality VFX services such as rotoscoping, paint and clean-up, 3D tracking, compositing, and 3D asset creation. We aim to enable the best VFX teams to work with global clients on interesting projects in the most efficient way.

This means leveraging technology to connect people, empowering independent teams to thrive and delivering great work to our clients, all done with thoughtful service and a desire to do things better. We work on a mix of creative projects for Film, TV and Commercials.

Some of Hotspring’s recent work highlights include:

  • Commercials – Coca Cola ‘Masterpiece’ and Ladbrokes ‘Rocky’
  • Feature Films – ‘Maestro’ and ‘The First Omen’
  • Direct To Brand – ‘Burberry x Minecraft’ collab and Arsenal ‘CALM’
  • Music Videos – Ed Sheeran’s ‘2Step’ (Feat Lil Baby) and Coldplay’s Korean BTS collab 

2. What is Slapshot – AI roto automation tool for VFX or more than that?

Slapshot was inspired by the need to optimize and accelerate the rotoscoping process within VFX production. It is an AI-powered tool, baked with machine learning engine, to automates the roto job.

Rotoscoping is a technique used to isolate objects from footage and add visual effects. The artist need to of manually trace objects frame-by-frame in video footage. Such traditional rotoscoping is time-consuming process, and we saw an opportunity to integrate the latest machine learning models to provide faster, high-quality work-in-progress (WIP) outputs. This innovation helps VFX teams make quicker creative decisions and collaborate more effectively. In simpler terms, it helps visual effects artists quickly create rough outlines of objects in a video, saving them time and effort.

On a larger extent, it can ease the work of roto job which is one of the essential element of the post production pipeline. This is especially helpful for videos with lots of moving objects, like scenes with animals or people. It can reduce the need for extensive manual rotoscoping. AI and ML algorithms streamline this entire workflow.

3. Who are your peer competitors / software?

There are various plugins that attempt to deliver AI and ML based VFX roto as well as a couple companies such as Electric Sheep working on developing a solution.

4. What are the benefits of Slapshot?

Slapshot offers several key benefits over its competitors:

  • Control: For certain ML solutions it may only roto people, or specific objects. Slapshot rotos everything in as many layers as you like.
  • Saves time: It can generate rotoscope WIPs in seconds which allows artists to focus on more creative tasks.
  • Format: Slapshot supports image sequences of any resolution, fitting directly into existing VFX pipelines.
  • Team work: Faster creation of WIPs allows for earlier collaboration and testing within other VFX teams.
  • Cost effective: Slapshot is a free add-on for Hotspring’s rotoscoping services.
  • Consistency: Slapshot’s AI engine ensures consistent results across frames and minimize human error. It ensures a high level of quality in the rotoscoped elements.
  • Ease of use: You just need to provide a roto reference and the footage to get an output.
  • Security: It operates on TPN gold certified infrastructure, ensuring the secure handling of confidential projects.

5. Is it a end-to-end solution or just a plugin?

Slapshot is currently incorporated into Hotspring’s workflow.

We have plans to launch as a stand alone, end-to-end, product by the end of this year.

6. Is Slapshot a free VFX software/tool?


Slapshot is a complimentary add-on for all rotoscoping jobs done on the Hotspring platform. Thus, it is free for our clients.

We also offer free tests to anyone who wants to try it out.

7. What are the system requirements?

It is a SaaS (Software as a service) based model. So, as it runs in the cloud on Hotspring infrastructure, there is no system requirements from a user.

He/she just need a standard web browser to get login to our system.

8. How it improves VFX post production pipeline?

Slapshot improves VFX post-production by delivering fast, high-quality WIPs that enable quicker creative decisions, more efficient collaboration, and earlier presentation of polished results. We have seen it used across compositing, colour and in the editing process. It could also be used on shoots for fast comping by VFX sups, or indeed by anyone creating content across any social media platforms.

This AI based roto software reduces overall production time and enhances the quality of the final output.

9. How Slapshot works?

Slapshot uses machine learning to analyze footage and automatically identify and track objects within a scene. Given below is the step by step process of using Slapshot.

  • Book a roto job: Book a rotoscoping job on Hotspring as usual.
  • Automatic integration: Slapshot automatically integrates into the pipeline, generating WIPs using advanced machine learning models.
  • Process: The visual effects artist lets Slapshot know what to roto. Using AI and ML tools, the software tracks the identified objects and do roto on respective edges.  
  • Review and feedback: Receive high-quality WIPs instantly, enabling quicker review and feedback.
  • Final output: Right now, it is giving you rendered alpha matte. Use the polished WIPs to refine and complete the final VFX shots efficiently.

10. Can Slapshot handle all levels of complex rotoscoping?


Slapshot is designed to handle all levels of complexity in rotoscoping. It does struggle a bit on super fine hair detail like hair or trees, but for the vast majority of shots it delivers great outputs.

11. What level of technical expertise is required?

Slapshot is user-friendly and does not require advanced technical expertise. It integrates seamlessly into existing workflows, allowing artists to focus on creative tasks without needing in-depth knowledge of the underlying machine learning models.

12. Please share success stories / case studies.

 As Slapshot has recently been launched into open beta testing, it is currently being used across a number of real world film, tv and commercial projects. We will be releasing case studies  and feedback once the projects have been completed. 

However its very encouraging that the product has immediately been put to use on live projects.

13. Do you offer training or support services for users of Slapshot?

Specific training or support is not needed at this point as the process is managed by the Hotspring team for the time being.  Once the product becomes independent of our infrastructure any information regarding support will be available to all users.

14. What future developments can we expect for Slapshot?

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are central to Slapshot’s development. The tool continuously adopts the latest machine learning models to improve its performance and capabilities, ensuring it remains at the forefront of innovation in the VFX industry.

Future development plans will likely focus on further enhancing these AI and ML integrations to offer even more advanced and efficient rotoscoping solutions. You will have additional services beyond rotoscoping.

Hotspring’s Co-Founder and CEO Jon Mason said:

Jon Mason hotspring Co-Founder CEO

“This isn’t the first attempt to solve this problem. People have come at it from the tech side and dabbled in it from the VFX side, but no one has been able to bridge the gap between what the technology can do and what live VFX pipelines demand.  Our expertise in software combined with in-depth knowledge of rotoscoping meant that we found ourselves in a unique position to create something of real value to our clients and industry.”

Hotspring’s Managing Director Ben Stallard added:

Ben Stallard hotspring managing director

“We all have years of experience in commercials, TV and Film VFX work and understand the deadlines and frustrations of VFX. The scope of our rotoscoping work to date has been very comprehensive and we’ve invested heavily in creating a product which is built to meet the demands of the industry. We’re proud and excited to see it out there in the wild.”

Send a test shot to Slapshot here: