Motion capture webinar: Learn future of Gaming and Animation

Motion capture webinar by Technicolor Games

Motion capture, or MoCap, has become a game-changer in the arena of AVGC (Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming and Comics). It is a technique used to record human or animal movement and provide realistic character animation. With technology advancing at an incredible pace, applications of MoCap are also evolving. Now, it has become an essential tool in the production pipeline of movies and games. The said motion capture webinar will discuss many trendy and advanced techniques.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what motion capture is all about and the future of Gaming and Animation at a large. Various industry experts at Technicolor Games will share their insights for the same.

What is motion capture?

In a nutshell, motion capture is a technology that records real human movements and translates them into 3D / digital data. This means that animators can create incredibly lifelike animations by capturing even the smallest nuances of human motion—something that traditional animation methods often struggle to achieve. Planet of the Apes, Avatar, Avengers are some the best examples of this tech, used in the series of the blockbuster Hollywood movies.

MoCap has been around since the early days of video gaming. Its roots can be traced back to the 1990s when games like Mortal Kombat began using digitized images of real actors to create more realistic character movements. Over the years, advancements in technology have led to more sophisticated systems that can capture a wider range of movements with greater accuracy.

The MoCap process typically works in three processes: sensing, capturing, and processing.

1. Sensing

Sensing involves using sensors to track the movement of the subject (human / animal). There are a number of different types of sensors. 

Optical markers are small reflective markers that are attached to the subject’s body. Cameras are then used to track the position of the markers. Inertial measurement units (IMUs) are also used. These are small devices that contain accelerometers and gyroscopes. They can be used to track the orientation and movement of the subject’s body. 

The motion calculations are achieved through advanced algorithms and machine learning.

2. Capturing

Motion capture suits are clothes that contain sensors all over the body. They can be used to capture a complete 3D representation of the subject’s movement.  The data collected can include everything from full-body motions to intricate facial expressions.

The step of capturing involves recording the data from the sensors. During it, actor perform movements and these are recorded in real time for further processing. Video cameras can be used to record the movement of the optical markers. If you are using IMUs, then data loggers are used for the same.  

3. Processing

The final stage of the MoCap process is processing. This involves converting the raw data from the sensors into a usable format in CGI environment. This can be done using a variety of different software programs. 

Once the data has been processed and cleaned, it can be used to create 3D animations of the subject’s movement. It is retargeted to fit the digital character model. These animations can then be used for a variety of purposes, such as in video games, films, and virtual reality applications. 

Apart from the above mentioned optical marker system, the advanced technology has gone to the markerless systems as well. This newer approach eliminates the need for physical markers by using computer vision techniques to analyze movement directly from video footage. Markerless MoCap offers greater freedom of movement and is increasingly popular in various applications. 

Benefits of motion capture system

Motion capture is not just a tool for creating realistic animations, it also enhances player engagement by making characters feel more lifelike. It supports to create fluid movements that reflect real human behavior. The traditional and manual keyframe animation process takes a very long time compared to it. It allows animators to focus on refining the results rather than creating them from scratch.

In films and video games, motion capture allows actors to give more authentic performances, blending real emotions with virtual characters. It helps to create cinematic sequences. As the technology is being advanced, it also helps for real time interactions. It provides accuracy in complex movements. So, overall it is a great tool to increase productivity and optimize the production workflow. 

One of the most popular uses of MoCap in the film and animation industries is to create digital doubles of actors. By capturing the movement of an actor, it is possible to create a digital double of the actor that can be used in scenes that would be dangerous or impractical for the actor to perform.

Apart from the final stage, MoCap also allows for pre-visualizing scenes. It can help directors and animators plan the movement and flow of action sequences before finalizing them.

Having said all these, you also need some manual tweaking. When parts of an actor’s body are blocked from view during recording, it can lead to incomplete data which needs to be taken care of.

Future of MoCap

As mentioned earlier, it is a valuable tool for a wide range of industries. Motion capture stands as a pivotal technology in shaping the future of gaming and animation. With its ability to create lifelike characters and immersive experiences, it continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in digital storytelling.

MoCap is a rapidly evolving technology. New and innovative uses for motion capturing are being developed all the time. In the future, the tech may be used to create even more realistic and believable animations. It may also be used to create new and innovative forms of entertainment. The integration of real-time rendering capabilities will allow developers to visualize captured motions immediately during production.

AI in Animation and Gaming will play a significant role in enhancing MoCap efficiency by automating certain processes and improving data accuracy. Beyond gaming and film, MoCap is finding applications in fields such as virtual reality training simulations and biomechanics research. As time goes, other avenues will also open to use this tech. 

Motion capture webinar from experts of Technicolor Games

During episode 17 of the ‘Learn, Create, and Grow 2.0’ webinar series hosted by Technicolor Games, industry experts shared invaluable insights into the future of MoCap technology. Trainer profiles are as follows.

  • Paul Houlders – VP, Global Head of Arts 
  • Selvam V – Animation Director
  • Lizzelet Gracia – Trainer, Games Animation

The schedule is as follows.

Date: 1st October, Tuesday

Time: 2 pm IST

Registration link: Please submit your details in this webinar registration form and reserve your seat.