cebas Visual Technology Inc. has released Subscription Drop 7, a great update in thinkingParticles series.
thinkingParticles is one of the most robust physics-based particle effects creator tool. Compatible with various versions of Autodesk 3ds Max (2017, 2018 and 2019), it has executed so many visual effects shots for various block buster Hollywood movies. It is preferred world wide as technically advanced VFX tool for FX and simulations. Post Production Pipeline of 3ds Max and thinkingParticles is adopted in leading VFX studios to handle complex simulations and effects.
cebas continuously releases updates and enhancements free for its users. Subscription Drop 7 is the latest update. Check out the new features of thinkingParticles 6 Subscription Drop 7.
- Enhanced Fluids: Faster, predictable and most stable particle based SPH solvers in the industry
- SurfaceForce: For creating waves and other particle effects with greater ease and flexibility
- WaterLevel: One more way to spawn particles for larger areas like lake
- OpenVDBShape: To create various surfaces with flexibility
- ShapeDeform: Fast and powerful to deform any object
- ShapeCutter: Advanced 3D boolean operator to create watertight outputs
- Volume Diffusion: Any value attached to a particle be diffused within a volume in a physically accurate and fully procedural way
- Multi-Physics: Most complex tool that integrates all physics solvers
- Overall simulation time is faster than earlier versions
- Better procedural volumetric controls and shape operators
Check out the official video of thinkingParticles from cebas.
To learn in-depth technical details of new features with training video tutorials of thinkingParticles 6.7 (thinkingParticles 6 Subscription Drop 7), check out the official page: