Sonic Adventures in Fortnite: How to monetize using UEFN (Unreal Editor for Fortnite)?

Sonic Adventures in Fortnite webinar

Well, don’t get mislead by the title ‘Sonic Adventures in Fortnite’. It has nothing to do with any game skin or something. It’s all about musicians. This webinar dives into the world of Unreal Engine for Fortnite (UEFN) and explores its potential to revolutionize how musicians connect with fans and create groundbreaking experiences.

Learn how music creators and web developers can monetize their skills using Unreal game engine and the metaverse.

What is the Metaverse?

Metaverse is a world that blends the physical and digital.

A place where you can attend concerts, hang out with friends, and explore virtual landscapes – all from the comfort of your home. It’s a future world where people can connect, play, work, and even shop in these virtual spaces, all through avatars. Think of it as a giant, 3D online world where anything is possible.

Imagine the internet, but instead of just looking at screens, you’re actually inside it. That’s the metaverse in a nutshell. 

It’s a constantly evolving concept, but Fortnite is a prime example of a platform that’s actively building a metaverse experience.

What is Unreal Engine for Fortnite (UEFN)?

Unreal Engine for Fortnite (UEFN) is a powerful tool that lets you leverage the incredible tools of Unreal Engine to create unique experiences for the game. It lets you to design games and experiences, directly for Fortnite for all the immersive experiences. It is one of the must tools if you looking to start eSports business. You can literally design entirely new ways to play the game.

It’s a game engine that allows developers to create 3D worlds, characters, and interactive elements. You can design custom islands, craft mind-blowing game modes, and sculpt unforgettable adventures – all playable by millions of Fortnite fans worldwide. UEFN isn’t limited to dragging and dropping pre-made structures or templates. It gives you access to Unreal Engine’s full-fledged toolkit. So, a 3D artists can build intricate objects and code complex mechanics. 

If you know pipeline and workflow of Unreal Engine, you already know how to deal with UEFN. It shares many of the same tools and workflows, making it easy to start. While it might seem daunting at first, the webinar will likely focus on the aspects of UEFN that are most relevant to musicians, not requiring extensive coding knowledge.

Why Musicians should know Fortnite and UEFN?

Over the period, Fortnite has become more than just a battle game. It is molding into a social space community which attracts millions of users worldwide. All of it becomes a huge audience for monetization for musician.

UEFN allows musicians to create interactive experiences that go beyond traditional physical live concerts. Imagine virtual concerts where fans can enjoy the music, interact with each other. It is a whole new way to engage with people. As it is metaverse, you can build deeper connections with your fanbase. It is more personal and interactive than a typical streamed concert. 

All of these opens doors to innovative revenue models. The musician can sell virtual merchandise, create in-game experiences with paid access, or even offering exclusive music drops within Fortnite.

Sonic Adventures in Fortnite: webinar details

Date: 27th June, Thursday, 2024

Time: 4 to 5.30 pm IST

Venue: Online

Price: Free

Registration: Click this registration link to get you free entry

Agenda of this musicians and game developers webinar

All the details are explained below.

Session 1: UEFN – Making music in Fortnite (20 minutes)

Speaker: Karan from Green Rain 

  • Discover what UEFN is and how musicians can leverage it to create unique experiences within Fortnite.
  • Explore new ways to earn money as a musician using Fortnite’s creator economy.
  • Learn about the built-in tools, including the Patchwork system, specifically designed for crafting music within the game.
  • See how UEFN empowers you to create large-scale in-game events and unforgettable musical performances.

Session 2: Green Rain’s UEFN Experiments (20 minutes)

Speakers: Avinash & Murthy from Antariksha / Murthovic & Thiruda

  • Two seasoned electronic musicians (Avinash & Murthy) share their experiences using UEFN with Green Rain.
  • Witness incredible music-based environments and gameplay concepts brought to life within UEFN.

Session 3: Mastering UEFN for Musicians (20 minutes)

Speaker: Manan from Green Rain

  • Understand about Verse programming, a key feature within UEFN, specifically for musicians.
  • Explore other crucial technical aspects of building islands using UEFN.
  • Get insights into UEFN’s development roadmap and suggestions for constructing impactful islands.

What will you learn from this Fortnite and UEFN webinar?

Green Rain Studios, known for its expertise in Unreal Engine training, is hosting the ‘Sonic Adventures in Fortnite’ webinar. Here’s what you can expect to learn from this.

  • The webinar will teach the core functionalities of UEFN that musicians can leverage. 
  • Learn how to craft unique experiences to engage your audience. 
  • Learn to create virtual stages, designing interactive elements, and integrating music into the Fortnite environment.
  • How to create interactive music videos and host virtual concerts.
  • Explore creative ways to generate revenue through UEFN.

Overall, it’s your first hand experience into the exciting future of music experiences within the metaverse. UEFN is just one example. The emerging technologies will go beyond this in the coming years. So, it is your great starting point.

Get your hand dirty with official tutorials and documentation from Epic Games itself, the developer of Fortnite.