Web Design Inspiration: How to identify and beat your creative block?


Web Design Inspiration ideas and websites

It’s fun and creative when it comes to designing. To talk about designing a website, it is often very challenging sometimes frustrating. If you are a logo designer, web developer, photographer or an artist you will often find yourself in a frustrated mindset. Such moments can be particularly devastating, especially for those who are creative or have years of experience. To help them all, this blog article focuses on the topic of web design inspiration.

You will have so many alternative ways to solve your problem. You will be shown so many references, practical tips & tricks to ease your work. All these will help to overcome the creative hiccups when the ideas just doesn’t flow as it should. You will be able to unlock your creative block. 

The best reference websites to get web design inspiration

When it comes to inspiration, there is no shortage of it on the internet. There are numerous resources, that can help you in finding website design ideas. We have compiled a list of latest and trending websites. Do check them all. 

1. Dribbble

Dribbble is a professional platform for anything that is graphic design related where designers are able to upload their creations. This way they can add tags to the projects which are important keywords to enable them to search through them! It is helpful if you are concerned with the branding as it provides various tips and suggestions in this regard.

It has ideas of logos, business cards, branded materials, and website designs. You will also find a lot of random illustration projects and other things that do not appear to be related to what one may be searching for, but it is quite easy to sift through all of that. 

2. Awwwards

It is the most popular competition body for identifying the best and most talented website designers and developers. This website also have reputable award system as a result, it receives the best design contributions.

The greatest feature, however, is it consisting of the pages that describe the different components on the websites. You can analyze the material you have collected and highlight those ideas that you find more suitable for your case.

3. Pinterest

In case you might be in doubt, let me inform you that Pinterest is among the most widely used image sharing website. This platform has earned fame for making an artist out of every client. However, it goes further beyond this. Consider Pinterest as a brilliant platform for web designer as it provides an idea on a number of creative and inspiring website page layouts. It connects disseminated content from the internet and acts as the leading source for content distribution.

They have it all if you’re looking for any creativity involving logo designs or just simple ideas for the Instagram post. Likewise, Pinterest gives one the option of creating a secret board to a given project and pin every sample they like on that board.  

4. Behance

Of all these, Behance is even more of a portfolio website. However, as compared to Dribbble, sometimes it is possible to find inspiration easier because the search functions are better or, vice versa, they are overwhelming due to the multitude of projects. Thus, if you are in search of ideas that can help you with designing your home or your office, you might look for it in this site.  

5. Template Monster

We understand that a theme shop may not be the first place you will look for creative design mainly is because themed designs are usually more general and less specific. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of the themes available at Template Monster is quite high because they all share the perfect architectural angle.

While making you web page, the themes provided here may also help you in getting the structural designing idea. What’s more; it boasts of hosting over 20k+ stock themes which are among the best web design Denver a sure bet if you are looking to explore.

6. Creative Market

To get some design ideas, it will be very beneficial to pay a visit to Creative Market. Visiting Creative Market can sometimes give a great concept idea for your designs! Even though this is not a place where designers can definitely upload their works, all the templates and all sorts of other materials that they sell can be inspiring.

Some websites sell kits with a similar design style to yours; check those sites to see if you want to make something from any of the templates they offer. It is also important to have in mind that it always brings specific designs to check out. It helps in too many things, and it’s always a dilemma what to buy because you want so many things; thus, it can be used for design inspirations!  

7. Instagram

Currently, it has over 500 million active daily connections and is often popular among a significant number of innovative developers and artists who still share with inspiration. This one is the ideal inspiration source for generating something as it contains a lot of visuals of various kinds. Yes, there is no doubt search for #websiteddesign will fetch a million results out there at this very moment.

What can makes people find Instagram more attractive? It also helps you see examples of successful and useful designs of the UX designer, as well as their workflow and design map. This means that you can get new idea at every stage of your website design process Interestingly.

How to identify and beat your creative block if you are stuck?

Nevertheless, web design is a good profession that involves creativity and is fulfilling apart from the occasional difficulties and stress. It is always possible that you may get bored with the project you are handling because it may not interest you, or it may be that you are pressed with too much work to accomplish in a limited time. 

1. Identify what is causing your creative block

At some point, you will arrive at what they consider as creativity blocks. You know it when that shiny idea you once had or the current plan you are working on will completely fail to inspire you. The only thing that you can do therefore, is to give the main cause and try to solve step by step. If you are wondering what the cause is, try to answer the following three questions. 

  • What am I working on? 
  • Why do I feel as if this is impossible? 
  • How can I reframe my perspective so that it is more achievable?  

The first question can identify the origin of a block a person is experiencing. The second question provides an opportunity to think from a different angle they are able to look for solutions and not drawbacks. Finally, the third question will get you carve the goals into smaller achievable steps which your brain can handle. Thus, when you approach such work at different time with fresh mind such work appears to be easy as a pie.

2. Break down the project

Some of the issues that one is bound to encounter while designing a website includes lack of inspiration, large project size, and discouragement among others. At times you may be confronted with a large project that is unfamiliar or a difficult problem with time constraints or a strong client. This could be mitigated by dividing work in more workable and firm sections and then dealing with them singly.  

For instance, the divisions can be made based on the activities of planning, prototyping, wireframing, testing and launching. 

3. Experiment and play

Anther difficult situation that can be observed in the web design process is when one finds themself or his/her team ‘stuck’ or, in other words, ‘stagnated’ on the project. Of course, it is a complicated feeling, and sometimes you can be disappointed or think that something is wrong with the video stream or any other technical and aesthetic issues that are beyond your understanding.

To eliminate this challenge, try and experiment with various aspects, components, and other elements on the website. So you can for instance switch between two or more colours, introduce transitions, gradients, and/or icons/illustrations. Download free website icons and integrate them in your design. It will give a fresh look to your web template. 

4. Get some sleep or go for exercise

Ideation can be far from cut and dry. At other times, it is impossible to make something come alive in a given context and break an idea into a doable portion. Although, people are not always on top of their game especially now that most are working from home, following the three methods stated above will assist one to get back into the routine.

  • Get some sleep
  • Start any exercise
  • Eat well

5. Seek inspiration

Another traditional web design issue is that once in a while the web designers need to become more excited over the project or on the contrary, get bored with it. It’s as if you are stuck in the rut, copying the design patterns over and over, using the same colors, same fonts, same layouts and following the trends.

To eliminating this challenge, one need to look for inspiration from other websites, magazines, art, nature, and one’s hobbies and interests.


Designing a new project is of course fabulous because it means you get a fresh new start and get to play the creativity game all over again. It can therefore be expected for a full-time designer to get bored and slightly lazy at times. This can be counter-productive especially in the current market where every clientele expects to be provided with a prognosis on each project from a freelancer with all the experience in the field.  

If you have hit a snag in your design journey, don’t worry; you’re not alone. To help you, we have compiled a list of some of the best websites from which to draw inspiration. Moreover, for further information, you can hire a Denver web design company.