What is thin content and how to avoid it?

What is thin content and how to avoid it

Does your website include thin content? Improving search engine rankings of Google and others requires high-quality content. However, what if your website / blog is filled with “thin content”?

Pages with minimal or no valuable information for visitors are known as thin content. It lacks meaningful content which results in a worse user experience and poorer search engine rankings. It is a negative signal for SERP (Search Engine Results Page).

If you want your site to perform better and keep users interested, you need to know what thin content is and how to avoid it.

What is thin content?

As mentioned earlier, an article that lacks depth, relevance and value to the topic is coined as thin content. These are low quality value content, which are also known as ‘fillers’ and ‘spammy content’.

Some of the major examples of thin contents are as follows.

  • Keyword stuffing
  • Poorly written articles
  • Backdoor pages / Doorway sites
  • Duplicate content / material
  • Auto generated contents
  • Lack of depth and accuracy of your content
  • Entire article is written in generic tone
  • No mention of case studies, facts and figures, relevant images etc.
  • Pages with broken backlinks or directing to spammy website

Impact of thin content on SEO

To provide readers with the best results possible, search engines like Google constantly update their algorithms to exclude low-quality information. Your SEO efforts will take a significant hit if your material is too thin. 

  • Websites with insufficient content leads to lower search engine ranks or exclusion from indexing altogether.
  • It leads to negative impacts such as lower customer satisfaction. Thin content can frustrate users who are unable to find the information they need.
  • As the content is of no value, it attracts higher bounce rates. Users may quickly leave your website if they find the content to be unhelpful. It is negative signal for SEO.
  • Your website may appear lower in search results, reducing visibility.
  • Ultimately, it will lead to fewer conversions. 

In a long run, it can also attract penalties from search engines because you are overusing keywords to manipulate SERP results. It is critical to ensure that each page of your site contributes and provides something valuable to visitors. Consequently, your digital strategy should prioritize tackling such weak content.

One more thing. It is not a one time work. As things changes drastically on a daily basis, your blog article must also be in-sync. If you provide age old techniques, your article will go in the category on thin content for SERP.

How to identify thin content on your website?

Recognizing thin content is the first step in avoiding it. You should begin by checking the quality of each page on your site using a content audit.

  • Find pages that don’t provide much information.
  • Articles which has a high bounce rate and low engagement.
  • Articles with unnecessary keyword stuffing to increase the content length.
  • Contents which are not written in a proper flow or address multiple things at a given point of time.

Google Analytics, Semrush, Ahrefs, Moz tools and many other similar technologies can help you determine which pages are not performing up to par. They can also find the duplicate content pages, so you can remove unwanted articles. 

Strategies to avoid thin content in your blog article

Checking that every page has a specific purpose and it provides value to the reader will help you to identify areas that are needed corrections. In a long run, these techniques will lead to achieve Position Zero in SERP ranking.

  • Focus on creating high-quality, informative content that addresses the needs of your target audience. 
  • You must write for humans, not for bots. So, work on creating content that is easy to read and understand for humans.
  • While there is no strict rule for content length, aim for in-depth articles that provide comprehensive information.
  • You should also incorporate images, infographics, and videos to enhance readability and enhance visual experience.
  • Prioritize quality over quantity. When you cram your content with keywords, it becomes less readable and less valuable.
  • Ensure your content is well-researched and backed by credible sources.
  • Write sufficiently to address the subject thoroughly without adding unnecessary keyword stuffing.
  • Keep your content fresh and relevant by updating it periodically. To keep your content interesting and up to date, you may add new sections, update statistics, or change existing examples. Such practice make your article evergreen.
  • Do strategic link building. Use only relevant internal and external links to provide additional information. It will help to strong your on-page and off-page SEO.
  • Ensure your content is mobile-friendly and responsive.

And above all, do write human and natural language that flows nicely and satisfies query of users. Make sure to balance the meaningful content and quantity of keywords. To improve readability, do use H1, H2, H3 tags. Do proper research and add depth to your content. These are practical suggestions to improve the content’s quality. 

Keeping above mentioned pointers in practice, you can improve content quality and reduce thin content. 

In a long run, it will increase DA (Domain Authority) and PA (Page Authority). It will also help to maintain SS (Spam Score) on a very minimal level. 

How WooCommerce popup cart can improve user engagement?

Using user-experience solutions like WooCommerce popup cart is a great approach to prevent e-commerce sites from having thin content. By letting them see their basket contents without leaving the page, this feature increases engagement and decreases bounce rates.

Search engines see an improvement in your content’s value because of increased conversions and time spent on the site by an improved user experience. By incorporating handy tools and features, you can ensure your content gives a more engaging experience and helps prevent thin content.

Product pages on e-commerce sites are particularly at risk of having insufficient material. Frequently, these websites only include the product’s price and description, failing to provide customers with sufficient value. To prevent weak content, include high-quality photos, extensive descriptions, customer reviews, and similar goods on product pages. Additional depth can be achieved by including instructional videos or user-generated material.

Enhancing your product pages makes them more engaging and informative. It also improve their SEO and leads to drive more conversions.


The major rule of thumb is to prioritize quality over quantity to avoid thin content. Instead of creating a bunch of articles, put your effort into creating high-quality and in-depth content. Ultimately, this is what your readers wants.