How Apple’s iOS 14 update can affect Your Digital Marketing Campaign?

How Apple's iOS 14 update can affect Your Digital Marketing Campaign

The new iOS 14 update gives Apple users the option to opt out of data sharing every time they download an app. This is to support the privacy policy of users. But, if you’re a conscious digital marketer, a natural question that could be bugging you is; what effect will this upgrade have on digital marketing campaigns?

First things first; advertisers rely on data sharing both for paid search and paid social channels to gather crucial information about their target audience. For example, when you use Google Search or Facebook Ads, companies like Google and Facebook ‘read’ (for lack of a better word) your web history, cookies, etc., to deliver targeted ads that are relevant to what they know about you.

With most apps, you can’t buy ads, so how will this affect your digital marketing strategies? We explore that issue and dig deep into the simple ways you can adjust to these changes. Keep reading.

Apple’s iOS 14 Update and its influence on Digital Marketing Campaigns

The fact that Apple users will now find it easier than before to opt-out of data sharing every time they download an app can drastically change the game for advertisers. As suggested earlier, like Google and Facebook rely on this data for paid search and social media ad targeting decisions.

Before the iOS 14 update, apps could continue to collect information about you after you’ve downloaded them. Though it was possible to choose whether users could share their data, it was a process which was slightly cumbersome but now, it is easier for iPhone users to choose whether or not to share their data with each individual app when they download the app onto their phone. This means that if you don’t want Facebook accessing your location or contacts, then you can stop the app from doing that.

How this affects your Digital Marketing Campaigns?

It’s no secret that advertisers love data: the more accurate and reliable it is; the better! If there is a way for them to target an audience with an ad campaign accurately, then chances are they will take it. When advertisements start getting delivered by algorithm instead of by a person, it’s challenging to avoid ads that are relevant to you.

Advertisers already make use of personal information like demographic data when targeting users for advertising (think: Facebook Ads). Now add in location and other such specific data points, and advertisers will be armed with the tools they need to specifically target their audience.

From a digital marketing campaign perspective, stated also in assignment help marketing reports, this means that advertisers may see better click-through rates and conversions on both paid search and social media advertising channels. For example: if an advertiser knows that 80% of their target market is female, ages 20-25 in the U.S., lives within 5 miles of a given city, then chances are they can easily serve up an ad to match those parameters.

The iOS 14 update isn’t necessarily a game-changer for advertisers, but it is an important step in the data-driven marketing processes. With this new opportunity to opt out of sharing your information with a given app, Apple users have more control over how their information is being collected and used meaning that the ad personalization capabilities that were easily accessible earlier may be difficult to achieve now.

Tips for running Digital Marketing Campaigns after iOS14 update

For digital marketers working with paid search and social media ad channels, there is still something you can do to remain relevant. You can adjust your advertising strategy going forward by being aware of the following:

  • Pay close attention to what kind of information you’re asking consumers to share when they download apps. The less intrusive the request, the more likely it is that users will be willing to share their data. For example, if you are trying to target female millennials who live in a certain radius of a given city, it would likely be more successful in asking them to download your app and provide their email address rather than their exact GPS coordinates.
  • Keep an eye on how iOS 14’s opt-out-app data sharing trends change over the next few months. If it turns out that users aren’t as receptive as you’d expected (or hoped), adjust your digital marketing campaigns accordingly by using less invasive or downright obsolete forms of information gathering.
  • Verify your domain and then place most of your focus on the most important eight events you will want to track using your pixel. This way, you will only need to create one code and won’t have to worry about creating multiple pixels or tracking different events. This adjustment was also one of the first requirements that Facebook had adopted to remain on the same page with iOS 14 changes.
  • Enable Highest Value Optimization (HVO). HVO adjusts campaigns to make it easier for advertisers using Facebook to be able to bid for users who are highly valued. These users have the highest chances of taking the desired actions when they land on your website. HVO could just be what you need when aiming for higher returns on your ad spends. To utilize HVO, be sure to check and confirm that you meet the eligibility requirements as set by Facebook for this program.
  • Combine your Ad campaigns. Due to low signals from users who opted out for app tracking, it would be best if you combine campaigns as much as feasible. You will need to be more cautious and strategic in your campaign launch numbers. Due to the fact that advertisements will most likely receive little or no signals from customers who opted out for app tracking, you’ll want to aggregate the data to make it easier for you to make better optimization judgments while fine-tuning Facebook Ad Manager ads.
  • Adjust the frequency and timings of your ad account optimization according to Facebook platform updates and restricted attribution windows. Note that while each advertising campaign/account has its own objectives, iOS upgrades are now delaying reporting and limiting data, disrupting the way you optimize ad campaigns. Because of this, you will also most likely experience data lags. You may also experience certain data breakdowns since functionalities like dynamic creative will no longer be accessible. You’ll need to adjust your strategies based on old data because of this.
  • Don’t just rely on Facebook pixel for drawing your business decisions and optimizations. Instead, you may also dive into and use new data sources.

Irrespective of all these things, you must follow the standard Google guidelines for best Digital Marketing Strategy. So, you will never have to worry about any such updates.

Apple's iOS 14 Update privacy policy

What else should I know regarding the iOS 14 update?

Updates like these can really shake things up for marketers on the front lines. As a result, it may be in your best interests to conduct regular reviews of your digital marketing campaigns. By doing so, you can easily address any possible changes that come up.

Also, it may be worth your while to constantly keep abreast of any changes to the iOS 14 updates, as these changes may just have an impact on how you run your digital marketing campaigns. Not to forget, it may also be time for you to start thinking of your marketing strategies and tactics as a more ongoing and flexible process than what it has been before.

Most importantly, you may want to start determining the kinds of data that are most valuable to you. Once you’ve determined these criteria, do everything in your power to extract this information from your user base. In fact, with the correct information at hand, there’s no reason why you can’t make ideal digital marketing decisions going forward – regardless of how the iOS 14 updates affect them going forward.

We acknowledge that doing all this work can be draining especially, if you are like most marketers who also still study on the side. If you have too much on your plate, your best bet would be to consider online. This way, you will be able to have enough time for your projects and even better avoid more frustrations!


The iOS 14 update certainly shuts up the doors for digital marketing campaign development! That doesn’t mean the end anyway as there are several adjustments you can always make to remain in the game. Keep up with the latest trends so you are always updated on the changes that could be taking effect around you.

About the author:

Tiffany Harper is a training guru who’s been working in the corporate sector as a technology expert for several years now. She is a management graduate and loves to share her experience through blogs and expert articles with the dissertation help. For her love of writing, she provided online consultations for essay help while working with Please do not hesitate to contact her.