How Search Generative Experience (SGE) will affect SEO?


How Search Generative Experience (SGE) will affect SEO

Google has never failed to surprise the whole world with its initiative and changes in search results algorithms. With the advent of ChatGPT, this leading search has also introduced pace in its AI-driven features and approach. Search Generative Experience (SGE) is the answer of it.

The introduction of SGE and related AI-driven features has greatly evolved online search result methods and online promotion strategies. 

This detailed blog article will showcase how SGE is significantly shifting search results methods and presentation. You will also learn how digital marketers and SEO professionals are likely to get impacted. 

What is Search Generative Experience (SGE)?

SGE represents Google’s initiative to integrate the power of artificial intelligence (AI) for personalized and relevant search results.

SGE works on machine learning algorithms. The earlier Google search engine was showing results with keyword matching, page rank, SEO practices and many other signals. Now, Google is now using artificial intelligence to understand the intent behind a question or online query. So, now-a-days, the results appears in a form of short answer, summaries, and conversational responses. These are more relevant and appear with their source links. It means that the AI continues to create them in the backend, and Google display directly in results.

Just think of the search engine results. Instead of simply displaying listings of web pages with hyperlinks, SGE is creating the whole answer from multiple sources. You can see links to their sources on the right, or just mouse over the hyperlinking icon (which appears at the end of each extracted part of the answer). In a nutshell, it replicated ChatGPT.

Overall, things are changing rapidly. From interactions with search engines to search results, all are now deeper and contextually more relevant. It is very useful for the end user as they don’t have to click through multiple links. These are all in a place together as the Result (that appears right under the search bar), the Sources (in the right pane), and the PAA, or People Also Ask (showing the complementary questions).

Impact of SGE on SEO

Now that you know what SGE is, let’s discover its impact on search engine optimization (SEO).

1. Reduction in organic Click-Through Rates (CTR)

Most significantly, the Search Generative Experience is adversely impacting organic click-through rates (CTR). It’s obvious that if one sees the whole answer with relevant sources at a place, he/she won’t scroll down and click on other search results on the SERPs. It is simply because they may find less need to scroll down and click on other options. It hooks users to AI-generated answers, which the leading search engine now displays directly at the top of search results.

However, this shift could reduce the clicks that websites receive through traditional organic search results. It means that the primary traffic source for many websites will be way less than before. To be honest, it is very bad for SEO professionals. Their years of hard work and consistency took a step back as CTR got reduced.

Based on the 2024 report of Latest Techies, over 65% of searches on Google take place without a click. And this percentage is likely to increase with the rise of SGE.

2. Changes in content strategy

With the rise of SGE, content developers and marketers must focus on the depth, accuracy, and relevancy of the content. Recall what the E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) and core updates state.

Since AI-driven results are rolling out, it is the need of the hour to emphasize reflecting experience in content creation. The SEO person or blogger must write content with proper knowledge and assessing the accuracy. He/she must have a stronghold on the topic. Gone are the days, when you browse through 4-5 article and make a new content. Such articles will never rank in the arena of new AI based search results. All these points must be focused on in the content strategy to adapt to the changes.

Simply put, keep your content simple and authentic with source links. This strategy will help in creating a piece of content that is able to answer user questions directly with clarity. Users appreciate clicking and visiting the landing page if the answer matches their intent.

Moreover, businesses may have to rethink the content structure. It should be easygoing for AI so that it can easily parse and understand it. SEO professionals can integrate schema markup, structured data (H1, H2, tags, and relevant links), and optimized metadata.

All such tips and tricks will reward its publication in AI-driven summaries and responses. Image bases SEO and meta tags are also need to be considered.

3. Increased need of “People Also Ask” (PAA)

The People Also Ask (PAA) section is what you see just below the summaries on SERPs. It is a bunch of questions you see on the result page are in this section.

Now, Search Generative Experience appears before this.

To tackle this, search engine marketers and optimizers must add a Question-Answers or FAQs section on the landing page, which increases the possibility of its featuring on the search result page. This can be understood as the practice of SEO for People Also Ask. If it appears, your web page will receive overwhelming traffic and enhanced exposure.

Moz studied and found that content ranking in the PAA section notices more click-through rates. It increases up to 70%, which for sure brings additional opportunities to grow business and revenues.

Overview of Google’s AI and its role in Search

SGE does not evolve overnight. It has the groundwork of some AI initiatives, including the BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) algorithm and the MUM (Multitask Unified Model) technology. These technologies are continuously evolving the way search engine bots understand natural language, context, and user intent.

These updates are eventually proving helpful for users who look for accurate and relevant responses to their queries.

1. BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) 

This update was launched in 2019. With it, Google becomes more efficient in drawing context in search queries by understanding natural language. This algorithm drives intelligence by processing words that relate to other words in a sentence. It was the earlier development in lines of Search Generative Experience. Over the years, it became more prominent. 

For instance, Apple is introducing its new iPhone this year. Here, iPhone and Apple are relational keywords, indicating it is a leading electronic product and phone manufacturing company. So, BERT enables it to discover the context through searched phrases and, hence, provide relevant results.

2. MUM (Multitask Unified Model)

This is the next level of artificial intelligence. Introduced in 2021, this algorithm understands content, images, and even videos and eventually generates synthesized, deeper, and more relevant insights in multiple languages.

Overall, both BERT and MUM are complementary algorithms that accelerate SGE so that the search engine can provide more insightful and understandable answers within search results directly.

How Search Generative Experience (SGE) will affect SEO?

With the rise of SGE, it’s going to be an uphill battle to get traffic and leads through SEO. You must counter the adverse impacts of this update. Here is how:

Since SGE prefers content that directly answers users’ queries, SEO service providers should shift their focus to creating high-quality and relevant content. This kind of content can be created once you understand your audience and their needs for clear, concise, and accurate information. You can create it by getting deep insights into the topic through research, drawing updated information. It will help to create an engaging copy of the content. This type of content is more likely to be featured in AI-generated summaries or results.

If you have read the above and understood the benefits of the PAA section, ensure that your content is thoroughly optimized to answer the queries. For this purpose, you must identify questions that laymen ask. Accordingly, create content that addresses these queries. You may use SEMrush or Ahrefs to filter out some of the most popular PAA questions. Accordingly, provide the best answer with clarity and precision. These features will hook people, who will be engaged, and also, its exposure and visibility will continue to expand.

Schema markup brings your content or data into a structural format. Search Generative Experience finds it more comprehensive to rank. Implementing it enables Google’s AI to interpret and understand your content, which ensures convenience in integrating with search results. Certainly, different types of schema markups are available. You may use relevant ones for the type of FAQs, how-to guides, product information, etc. This initiative increases the chances of your content being featured in rich snippets and AI-generated responses.

In essence, an optimized website will increase the page time of visitors. It indicates to Google that users spend valuable time engaging as they find something trustworthy and relevant details. Eventually, your content will feature in AI-driven search results.


Google consistently brings updates, like core web vitals updates. These updates aim to introduce excellence in user experiences. This means that you cannot ignore the optimization of your web pages. This on-page activity will improve page load times, navigation, and mobile responsiveness.

Organic search traffic is not going to always be trendy. The advent of Search Generative Experience risks it. So, try to bring it through different campaigns and platforms using PPC, email campaigns, social media marketing, and content syndication. This initiative will help you gain or scale visibility, even if search algorithms continue to evolve.