Google core vitals update / Ranking algorithm: Latest SEO news

Latest seo news of Google core vitals update

And here comes one more nightmare for all the SEO, SEM and related digital marketing experts / agencies. Their biggest ally and foe, Google, has rolled the red ball again. Google core vitals update / search ranking changes of January 11th 2022 is already in news.  

Google search ranking algorithm is an integral part of SEO, and it is a slippery floor. You think you have your footing and then a misstep and you are all over the floor. No one can claim mastery over this essential strategy of digital marketing. We are all students, as we continue to learn it, but we admit some students can do it better than others. These students can offer tips on it, just like expert Instagram influencers share tips for Instagram influencers

SEO updates and tips are invaluable and can make a difference with the ever-changing Google search ranking algorithm in this competitive world. In this post, you will learn the recent update on the Google core web vitals update. 

1. What is Google Search Ranking Algorithm?

If we were to describe this in simple words, we would describe the Google Search Ranking Algorithm as the system Google uses to get information from the index. Google algorithm uses more than 200 signals / protocols which it uses to rank websites and information. This AI based system picks the websites with contents that are most relevant to a search query and ranks them in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) accordingly. 

So, Google Algorithm changes every year about 500 to 600 times which means it changes for a maximum of 2 times a day. As you can see, it is ever-evolving. Luckily, these changes don’t change the nature of SEO significantly or on a whole level, but some of these changes may force you to alter the way you do the work. It has see than at the time of the major Google core web vitals update, many website loses their rankings instantly. Some of the main signals, which can make or break your website / blog, are:

  • DA (Domain Authority)
  • PA (Page Authority)
  • CF (Citation Flow)
  • TF (Trust Flow)
  • SS (Spam Score)
  • PR (Page Rank) 

The good news is that these Google Algorithm changes are not bad in that it makes Google work great for you as a search engine. The other news is that Google’s evolution means you have to evolve too. So, it is a sink or swim situation. You have to grow your website and content to be a player in the SEO scene. 

It is how the Google search engine is different from other search engines. It is what makes Google better spot your website and rate your content. It is through this algorithm that your SEO strategies work

Major list of other search engines are as follows.

  • Bing
  • DuckDuckGo
  • Baidu
  • Yandex
  • Yahoo
  • Ecosia

All such Google Core Web Vitals (CWVs) update are a constant process. So, you need to adapt, evolve, and remain competitive to rank higher on the Search Engine Result Page. The most recent Google Search Ranking update got commenced on January 11, 2022. 

2. What are Google Core Web Vitals (CWVs)?

In May 2020, these new measuring tool / signal was introduced. The goal was to create a better UX (User Experience) to all users. It is more on a technical side. The Core Web Vitals is consists of three major modules.

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Measures the page load time and its related parameters of your website / blog
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS):  It scores visual stability of a page. It is majorly caused because of dyanmic ads, uneven images and multiple embed codings. 
  • First Input Delay (FID): It calculates the interactivity (how much time is taken by a site after a user clicks anything on the page)

With each search ranking algorithm update, CWVs are integrated tightly. This metrics will impact a big way in coming years from SEO and UI/UX perspectives. So, the web developers need to put a close eye on website’s page and its overall experience. If you are using WordPress theme, you must make sure that it is updated with the latest parameters.

As per insight news, these will affect desktop traffic after the update of February 2022. So, you need to make sure that your website is in compliance with all latest updates of Core Web Vitals.

Google Search Ranking Algorithm Update

3. Google core vitals update of 2022

As we have mentioned, you must be on the alert for these as you could lose your Google SEO ranking if you do otherwise. The SERP is a competitive space, and a change could mean a loss in your overall score.

Keep an open eye for such Google search ranking updates and make changes to content and website accordingly. Although it is in news, the update of 11th January, 2022 is still being counted as the first unconfirmed update for the year. With the multiple tracking tools showing significant movements in Google’s search engine results; this may be more than a rumour. People are already claiming that their ranking checker SEO reports have different rankings. According to them, these changes have been going on for a while now. 

SEO specialists have reported that their competitors’ keyword rankings changed suddenly, and their rankings have also changed. They claim that their United States traffic dropped significantly, but international traffic continued to perform as expected. Soon after, the traffic situation did improve for the United States but not with human interaction with Google. 

The traffic was filled with bots with minimal human interaction in between. The Search Engine Result Page was in flux, but Amazon listing still remained unchanged. Traffic shot up after this in the United States, followed by another sharp drop. After that, SEMrush and other similar tracking apps showed great movement. Even if sensors failed to pick it, there is no doubt that Google is cooking. These are surely the chain reactions of the latest Google core vitals update.

4. How to take benefit of updated Google Search Ranking

Although experts are saying unconfirmed rumours, they have dropped enough hints for you to know that you should get to work. Use following pointers to make your SEO updates and put house in order again.


It has to be an original piece. Google demands near perfection. Your content is one of the core things you need to improve so that your blog can fight against any Google core vitals update. Your content and offerings must be attractive to readers to lure them in and become loyal to you. 

You have to present better content than your competitors. So, research well, use the proper keywords, and identify the areas that your competitors miss in their content. When you do this, you are sure to have a space in that first Search Engine Result Page. Also, don’t forget to optimize your content for images. People are visual, and images tend to stick longer in their memories. 

Speaking of images, add keywords in your alt text to describe your photos and improve your ranks. 

Meta description

Your Meta description is what will inspire your reader to click on your website. If it is uninteresting, people will pass over your content, but if it is interesting and captivating, it attracts people to your website. You can use power keywords like how to, list of top things, latest news, trending stories, everything you must know and many related.

Make sure that you follow SEO guidelines for the same. It should have the perfect summary of the article. 

Improve customer experience

If users come to your website and have a swell time on it, they will return. So, work on fixing your page speed, keeping a great website structure, and improving site security. In addition, optimize your website for mobile phones. Most internet users use their phones for browsing. Maintaining decent mobile optimization for your website gives you an advantage. 

Don’t put annoying pop-ups. Your navigation must be clean and clutter less. Do not put too many Google ads. Use proper flow of text content with appropriate use of H1, H2 tags etc. If you are using images, make them of low size and relevant to the topic.

Authors Bio

Alex Lysak is the CEO of SEOBROTHERS. Alex has 10+ years of experience in online marketing. He believes that understanding the trends of Google core vitals update and Google search ranking puts you at an advantage, improves your chances of being on the top list of Search Engine Result Page, and boosts your SEO. 

He is currently building a strong iGaming affiliate team and aiming to become number one in this niche worldwide.