How to create VFX Day to Night Conversion: Tutorial webinar by Sapphire & Mocha

Learn how to do day to night conversion in tutorial by Boris FX and Creative One Eleven.


how to do day to night conversion tutorial

Day to nigh conversion is one of the most useful VFX techniques. Apart from movies, it is also widely used in TV series, commercials and even corporate videos. It is not an easy task, as the Visual Effects artist has to take care of multiple parameters like shadow and light direction, perspective, depth of field, focus, set extension, tracking of live action / CG elements and many more. Just changing the color correction / grading to blue tone or playing with saturation values will never give realistic day to night conversion output. It also requires perfect sky replacement to make it blend seamlessly with the night conversion. If there are multiple shots, the VFX artist also need to maintain consistency. 

To help you with industry standard tips and tricks, Boris FX has organized a live training event on the same lines. If you are familiar with Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects, this video tutorial of changing day to night will be great add-on knowledge for you. Don’t worry if you don’t know these softwares, because the techniques will be applicable to any other editing and VFX softwares. You will also learn how to do advanced sky replacement and convincing day to nigh conversion through Mocha 2019 and Sapphire 2019. 

Some online lucky attendees of this webinar will receive Boris FX Bundle, Sapphire, Continuum and Mocha Pro as giveaway.

Essential details of the webinar are as follows.

Title: Changing Day to Night with Sapphire & Mocha

Trainers: Nick Harauz and Ian Robinson

Date: 30th May, Thursday 2019

Time: 2 pm EDT /11 am PDT (Change it to your country’s timezone in webinar registration page)


  • Introduction to Sapphire PixelSort, Sapphire NightSky, and Sapphire Luna and how they work with sky replacements
  • Creating a day for night color treatment with Sapphire Film Effect
  • Using Mocha to build out a set extension
  • Using Mocha and Sapphire to replace a sky and track the CG elements

Webinar registration link:

Nick Harauz and Ian Robinson are co-owners of Creative One Eleven, which specializes in providing training in arenas of video editing, motion graphics and creative lifestyle.


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