9 best resources for learning Jest Automation Testing


Jest Automation Testing 9 best resources to learn

Automation is one of the major aspect of software development. It enables developers to ensure the reliability and efficiency of their applications. When it comes to JavaScript testing frameworks, Jest stands out as one of the most popular and widely used tools. With its simplicity, extensive feature set, and robust testing capabilities, Jest has become a favorite among developers for testing JavaScript code.

However, mastering Jest requires access to the right resources that provide comprehensive learning materials and guidance. In this blog, we will explore the ten best resources for learning Jest automation testing, ranging from official documentation and GitHub repositories to cheat sheets, tutorials, courses, blogs, communities, and more. Whether you are a beginner looking to get started or an experienced developer aiming to deepen your Jest expertise, these resources will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in Jest automation testing.

Let’s dive in and discover the wealth of learning opportunities available to enhance your Jest testing journey.

1. Official Jest documentation

The official Jest documentation is undoubtedly one of the best resources for learning Jest automation testing. It serves as a comprehensive guide, offering detailed information on the framework’s features, functionalities, and usage. The documentation covers a wide range of topics, including installation, configuration, test writing, assertions, mocking, and much more. It provides clear and concise explanations, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced developers.

One of the key advantages of the official Jest documentation is its step-by-step guides. These guides walk you through various aspects of using Jest, such as setting up a testing environment, writing test suites, and running tests. The documentation also includes examples to illustrate the concepts, making it easier to grasp and apply them in real-world scenarios.

The official Jest documentation offers a comprehensive API reference. This reference provides detailed explanations and usage examples for the various functions, matchers, and configuration options available in Jest. It serves as a valuable resource for understanding and leveraging the full power of Jest in your testing workflows.

To access the official Jest documentation, you can visit the Jest website.

2. Jest GitHub Repository

Exploring the Jest GitHub repository offers several advantages for learning Jest automation testing. The repository serves as a hub for the Jest community, providing access to the source code, issues, discussions, and contributions. By delving into the Jest source code available on the GitHub repository, you can gain insights into how Jest is implemented and understand its internal workings. This can be particularly helpful in understanding advanced concepts and extending Jest’s functionality to suit your specific testing needs.

The repository also provides a platform for issue tracking and discussions related to Jest. By browsing through the existing issues and discussions, you can gain valuable knowledge about common problems, workarounds, and best practices. You can also actively participate in the community by reporting bugs, suggesting enhancements, or contributing to the development of Jest.

Also, staying updated with the latest updates and contributions to the Jest repository can help you stay ahead of the curve. You can track the progress of new features, bug fixes, and improvements, ensuring that you are aware of the latest advancements in Jest.

To explore the Jest GitHub repository and access the source code, issues, and discussions, you can visit Jest GitHub repository.

3. Jest cheat sheets and quick references

Jest cheat sheets and quick references are valuable resources for Jest automation testing enthusiasts. These concise and condensed documents provide a quick and easy way to reference key concepts, matchers, assertions, and other important aspects of Jest.

The usefulness of these resources lies in their ability to serve as handy references during development. When working on Jest test cases, you may encounter situations where you need a reminder of a specific syntax, assertion, or configuration option. Instead of scouring through lengthy documentation, you can simply refer to a cheat sheet or quick reference to find the information you need swiftly.

Jest cheat sheets and quick references typically cover a range of topics, including basic setup and configuration, test writing syntax, common matchers and assertions, and techniques for working with mocks and spies. They provide a concise summary of these essential elements, making it easy to find the relevant information without getting overwhelmed.

There are several popular Jest cheat sheets and quick references available online. Here are a few recommended resources:

  • Jest Cheat Sheet by GitHub user avajs: This cheat sheet provides a comprehensive overview of Jest’s syntax, matchers, assertions, configuration options, and common usage patterns.
  • Jest Testing Cheat Sheet by RWieruch: This cheat sheet focuses on the fundamental concepts of Jest, including test structure, matchers, and assertions. It also covers asynchronous testing and module mocking. You can find it at [link to Jest testing cheat sheet].
  • Jest Quick Reference by GitHub user orrstein: This quick reference document offers a compact overview of Jest’s key features and functionalities. It includes examples and explanations for common use cases.

4. Online tutorials and guides

For those seeking more in-depth learning and practical guidance, online tutorials and guides are excellent resources for mastering Jest automation testing. These resources often provide structured learning paths, hands-on examples, and comprehensive explanations of Jest’s various features.

Popular online tutorials and guides offer a step-by-step approach to learning Jest. They start with the basics, such as installation and setup, and gradually progress to more advanced topics. This allows beginners to gain a solid foundation in Jest and helps experienced developers expand their knowledge. One advantage of online tutorials is the inclusion of hands-on examples. These examples provide practical demonstrations of how to write effective Jest test cases, create mock functions and objects, handle asynchronous code, and more. By following along with these examples, you can reinforce your understanding of Jest and its usage in real-world scenarios.

Another valuable aspect of online tutorials is the availability of video content. Video tutorials cater to visual learners, offering a dynamic and engaging learning experience. Watching an instructor demonstrate the process of writing Jest tests and explaining the underlying concepts can enhance comprehension and retention.

JavaScript testing frameworks

Here are some recommended online tutorials and guides for learning Jest:

  • Jest Crash Course by Traversy Media: This video tutorial provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of Jest. It covers the basics, including setup and configuration, test writing syntax, assertions, and mocks.
  • Jest Tutorial for Beginners by The Net Ninja: This tutorial series offers a comprehensive introduction to Jest, covering the basics and gradually progressing to more advanced topics. It includes practical examples and coding exercises.
  • Jest Tutorial by Jest Documentation: The official Jest documentation includes a tutorial section that covers the fundamentals of Jest.

5. Jest testing courses

To gain a deeper understanding of Jest automation testing, enrolling in online courses dedicated to Jest can be immensely beneficial. These courses, both paid and free, offer structured learning paths that cover various aspects of Jest testing in a comprehensive manner. Structured courses provide a logical progression of topics, starting from the basics and gradually moving towards more advanced concepts. This organized approach ensures that learners build a solid foundation before tackling complex Jest testing scenarios. By following a course curriculum, you can be confident that you’re covering all the essential aspects of Jest.

One of the advantages of Jest testing courses is the inclusion of practical exercises and real-world projects. These exercises allow you to apply the concepts and techniques you learn in a hands-on manner. By actively working through exercises, you can solidify your understanding and gain practical experience in writing effective Jest tests.

Furthermore, some courses offer real-world projects where you can apply Jest in a realistic development scenario. This experience not only reinforces your Jest skills but also provides valuable insight into how Jest is used in professional software development.

Here are some reputable Jest testing courses:

  • Jest Testing for React Applications by Kent C. Dodds: This paid course offered on the popular online learning platform, Egghead, is taught by Kent C. Dodds, a renowned expert in testing JavaScript applications. It covers a wide range of Jest topics, including setting up tests, mocking dependencies, testing React components, and more.
  • Testing JavaScript with Jest by Colt Steele and Stephen Grider: This paid course on Udemy is led by experienced instructors Colt Steele and Stephen Grider. It provides a comprehensive introduction to Jest and covers topics such as test-driven development, mocking, async testing, and code coverage.
  • Jest – The Complete Guide by Academind: This paid course on Udemy offers an in-depth exploration of Jest. It covers everything from the basics to advanced concepts, including testing React components, async testing, snapshots, and more. The course includes hands-on exercises and practical examples.

6. Jest testing blogs and articles

Staying updated with the latest trends, best practices, and advanced concepts in Jest automation testing is crucial for continuous improvement. Jest-focused blogs and articles provide valuable insights from industry experts and experienced developers, keeping you informed about the latest developments in Jest testing.

These blogs and articles cover a wide range of topics, including advanced testing techniques, tips and tricks, performance optimization, integration with other tools and frameworks, and case studies. They provide detailed explanations and real-world examples that can enhance your understanding of Jest and help you optimize your testing workflows. By following Jest testing blogs and reading articles, you can gain insights into different approaches, explore alternative solutions to common challenges, and learn from the experiences of others. It allows you to expand your knowledge beyond the basics and stay at the forefront of Jest testing practices.

Here are some recommended Jest testing blogs and articles:

  • Jest Official Blog: The official Jest blog provides updates on new features, improvements, and announcements related to Jest. It also includes articles written by the Jest team, covering various Jest-related topics.
  • The Testing JavaScript Newsletter by Kent C. Dodds: Kent C. Dodds, a prominent figure in the JavaScript testing community, regularly shares insightful articles and resources related to Jest and testing in his newsletter.
  • LambdaTest Blog : LambdaTest is a unified digital experience testing platform that allows you to perform Jest testing at scale. It offers automated cross browser testing on an online browser farm of 40+ browsers and operating systems to expedite the test execution in a scalable way. LambdaTest blog covers extensive Jest tutorials with ways of cloud testing and integration practices. It is suitable for novice to expert level QA professional.

7. Jest testing communities and forums

Engaging with testing communities and forums can greatly enhance your learning experience in Jest automation testing. These communities provide valuable benefits such as problem-solving, knowledge sharing, and networking opportunities.

One of the main advantages of participating in testing communities and forums is the availability of discussion boards. These platforms allow you to post questions, seek advice, and troubleshoot issues you may encounter while working with Jest. The collective knowledge and experience of the community can help you find solutions and overcome challenges more efficiently.

Additionally, testing communities and forums offer opportunities for knowledge sharing. Members often share their insights, best practices, and tips related to Jest testing. By actively participating in discussions and reading through threads, you can gain new perspectives, discover alternative approaches, and broaden your understanding of Jest.

Moreover, engaging with testing communities and forums allows you to network with like-minded professionals, experienced developers, and Jest experts. Building connections in these communities can lead to valuable collaborations, mentorship opportunities, and career growth.

testing communities and forums

Here are some active Jest testing communities and forums you can explore:

  • Jest Community on Spectrum: Spectrum hosts an active Jest community where developers and testing enthusiasts discuss various topics related to Jest.
  • r/javascript on Reddit: The r/javascript subreddit is a vibrant community where developers discuss JavaScript-related topics, including Jest.
  • Jest Slack Community: The Jest Slack community is a place for Jest users to connect, share knowledge, and discuss Jest-related topics. 

8. YouTube channels and video tutorials

YouTube channels focused on Jest testing provide an excellent platform for visual learning and demonstrations. These channels offer advantages such as step-by-step video tutorials, practical examples, and interactive learning experiences.

One of the key benefits of YouTube channels is visual learning. Watching instructors demonstrate concepts and techniques in real-time can enhance your understanding and retention of Jest testing principles. Visual demonstrations allow you to observe the testing process, understand the nuances of Jest usage, and learn best practices through real-time coding examples.

YouTube channels dedicated to Jest testing often provide step-by-step video tutorials that guide you through various aspects of Jest. These tutorials cover topics such as setting up Jest, writing test cases, utilizing matchers and assertions, working with mocks, handling asynchronous testing, and more. Following along with these tutorials allows you to gain hands-on experience and solidify your understanding of Jest.

Here are some recommended YouTube channels focused on Jest testing:

  • The Net Ninja: The Net Ninja offers a comprehensive tutorial series on Jest testing. The tutorials cover Jest basics, writing effective tests, using matchers and assertions, and more.
  • Traversy Media: Traversy Media provides a Jest crash course that introduces the fundamentals of Jest. The video tutorial covers setting up Jest, writing tests, and utilizing matchers and assertions.
  • LambdaTest: The LambdaTest YouTube channel features a variety of Jest-related videos, including tutorials, tips, and best practices. The channel covers different aspects of Jest, such as mocking, snapshot testing, and async testing. 

9. Jest testing books and eBooks

In addition to online resources, books and eBooks offer in-depth learning opportunities for Jest automation testing. These written materials provide comprehensive coverage of Jest concepts, techniques, and best practices, allowing you to delve into the subject matter at your own pace.

One of the key benefits of learning through books and eBooks is the depth of information they provide. Authors often take a comprehensive approach to cover the fundamentals of Jest, including installation, configuration, test writing, assertions, mocking, and more. This depth of coverage helps you develop a strong understanding of Jest and its usage in various testing scenarios.

Jest testing books cater to different skill levels, from beginners to experienced developers. Some books focus on providing a solid foundation in Jest, explaining the core concepts and syntax, while others delve into more advanced topics such as performance optimization, continuous integration, and advanced testing techniques. Comprehensive examples and case studies are another valuable aspect of Jest testing books. These examples showcase real-world scenarios and demonstrate how to apply Jest effectively. By studying these examples, you can gain insights into practical implementations and learn how to handle complex testing challenges.

Here are some recommended Jest testing books and eBooks:

  • “The Jest Handbook” by Flavio Copes: This eBook offers a beginner-friendly introduction to Jest testing. It covers the basics of Jest, including test structure, assertions, mocking, and more. The book includes practical examples and exercises to reinforce learning.
  • “Mastering Jest: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques for JavaScript Testing” by Nate Taylor: This book provides a comprehensive guide to mastering Jest. It covers topics such as test-driven development, snapshot testing, mocking, and advanced testing techniques. The book also includes case studies and practical examples.
  • “Testing React Applications with Jest” by Ruben Harutyunyan: This book focuses on using Jest to test React applications. It covers topics such as testing React components, handling asynchronous code, and working with popular React libraries. The book includes comprehensive examples and case studies.


Mastering Jest automation testing requires access to a variety of resources that provide comprehensive learning materials and guidance. In this blog, we explored the ten best resources for learning Jest, including the official Jest documentation, the Jest GitHub repository, cheat sheets and quick references, online tutorials and guides, testing courses, testing blogs and articles, testing communities and forums, YouTube channels and video tutorials, as well as Jest testing books and eBooks.

By utilizing these resources, you can enhance your knowledge and skills in Jest automation testing. Whether you prefer reading comprehensive documentation, engaging in discussions, watching video tutorials, or working through practical examples, these resources offer valuable insights and learning opportunities. Continuously updating your knowledge and staying abreast of the latest trends and best practices will empower you to write efficient and reliable Jest tests, ultimately improving the quality of your software development projects.

Happy learning and testing with Jest!