New features of Nuke 12.0: Optimized workflow and increased performance

Foundry releases Nuke 12. Check out new features of Nuke,  Nuke Studio and Hiero.


new features of nuke 12

Foundry, leading Visual Effects software company, just released the latest update to its Nuke family. Apart from various new features, it promises improved performance and optimized workflow. All major softwares of post production and VFX pipeline of Nuke family (Nuke, Nuke Studio and Hiero) are upgraded in-sync. 

The listing of new features of Nuke 12 are as follows. 

1. Soft selection:
You can modify 3D geometry (vertex, edge and face selection; with tweaking operations) inside the 3D viewer of Nuke. You don’t need to be dependent on other 3D softwares.

2. Edge Extend node:
Based on GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), it provides better erode (shrink) and dilate (expand) operations. Without generating artifacts on the edge, it can recover original details without data loss.

3. Inpaint node:
It will be hugely beneficial to prep / 2D paint department of VFX pipeline. Again using GPU power, you can do high detailed paint from the same image or from any other different image.

4. Grid Warp tracker:
It will be again a good new feature for typical VFX shots including roto, paint, tracking, matchmoving, morphing and compositing. You can also use Smart Vectors (available in NukeX) for much more advanced workflow of grids. 

5. Cara VR node integration in NukeX:
All major VR (Virtual Reality) and stereo workflows of Cara VR are integrated into NukeX. It’s Camera Solver can easily work on multiple camera setup and generate a single image from multiple images. CameraIngest node can be used to import camera information from other industry standards softwares. So, the VR Headset support is applicable to the entire Nuke family softwares.

6. Nuke Studio, Hiero & HieroPlayer playback performance:
It is one of the biggest update of Nuke 12 package. Playback engine has made robust to handle various kinds of file formats and multichannel EXRs (OpenEXR). It also handles high resolution files and different frame rates very smoothly.

7. Interactive performance:
Working on a larger Nuke workflow is very common to tackle challenging visual effects shots of latest block buster movies of Hollywood. With this latest update of Nuke, even if you have 1000 nodes in your script, you can still work smoothly. It also stands true for scrips having Groups and Live Groups.

8. EXR read and write performance:
Now, you can perform read and write operations on OpenEXR files, even if they are stored on server / network. It also leads to faster UI update and processing of nodes.

9. OCIO role support:
OCIO (OpenColorIO – Open source color management) role is very much essential for artists to know on which LUT to work and which to share with other artists. It makes it easy to toggle around between various color workflows.

10. Industry standards and file format updates:
Latest version of Nuke supports VFX Reference Platform 2019. It accepts CUDA-based GPU decoding of RED files. Nuke 12 also supports SDKs of Blackmagic Design and Sony. It can also read DNxHR encoded .mxf files.

For more detailed information regarding new features of Nuke 12.0 and supporting videos, check out the official Foundry website.

Also have a look of overview video of Nuke 12’s new features.

Foundry Group Product Manager Christy Anzelmo said: “Nuke 12.0 provides the foundation for the next series of Nuke releases. This release includes the VFX reference platform upgrades users expect along with performance and workflow optimizations that improve the artist experience, whether performing tracking and cleanup tasks or driving a review session in Nuke Studio.”

Also check out official pdf file, covering release notes of Foundry Nuke and Hiero:

Given below is the image gallery of new features of Nuke 12 from Foundry. 

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