Cityscape Pro 1.3.4: 3ds Max plugin for modeling urban areas
Learn about new features of Cityscape Pro 1.3.4, a 3ds Max plugin. It is used for modeling parametric urban areas for Architectural Visualization industry.
Learn about new features of Cityscape Pro 1.3.4, a 3ds Max plugin. It is used for modeling parametric urban areas for Architectural Visualization industry.
Free, online, super fast and powerful tool to colorize black and white photos – Image Colorizer, based on advanced and powerful AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology.
How Brainstorm and Broadcast Management Group made possible the live virtual town hall, using InfinitySet.
Learn all about Framestore Launchpad Internship Competition 2020, the home based CG challenge.
All you need to know about Punyakoti – conceptualization, challenges of making an Animated movie, crowdfunding, music, release on Netflix and many more.
Free online training sessions from Foundry for scheduled for Animation, VFX and Gaming artists. Be at home in Corona outbreak and sharp your skills.