Top 5 Game ideas that are perfect for lunch breaks


5 best fun office games for team building

Looking for something to do on your lunch break? These five great office games are perfect for playing on your own with a sandwich or in the office with friends. These will help to break the ice between coworkers and increase team building process.

So, what are you waiting for? Read ahead and go crazy with your colleagues. 

1. Go retro with classic Arcade Games

If you are playing games on your lunch break, you need something you can pick up quickly and put down just as fast. There is nothing better for this than some old-school arcade classics, they were made for this.

All you need is access to the internet on a computer or smartphone to have some of the best arcade games of all time at your fingertips. With so much choice, you will find a few games that are perfect for killing a bit of time on a lunch break. You can try to beat your own high scores through the week.

Classics like Tetris, Space Invaders, and Ms. PacMan are all fun games to play for a quick half-hour. There are console classics free to play online too if you want something to get stuck into, like an RPG.

2. Pack a deck of cards in your work bag

You cannot go wrong with a deck of cards to play with your coworkers. These simple 52 slips of paper can be used to play dozens of solo games, and better still you can get some workmates involved and play even more games for groups. It is one of the best in the category of fun office games to increase productivity and reduce stress.

Playing at your desk is easy enough, and card games such as Solitaire and FreeCell are a lot of fun. They help you challenge your brain a little and problem solve, which makes a welcome change from monotonous work tasks. It is one of the best team building exercise. 

If you forget to pack a deck, do not worry. There is an endless choice of websites and smartphone apps that let you play both solo card games and competitive online games with other people playing on their lunch break.

3. Start an office game of Top Trumps

Do you remember playing Top Trumps at school? This simple, fact-filled game can be endless fun, especially with a group of four or five of you playing. There are loads of different packs still available to buy, so if it takes off in the office, there are plenty of games to keep you going.

The number of different Top Trump packs you can buy is where the game really shines. It does not matter what you are into, there is a Top Trump game out there for you. You can get to know your co-workers a little better through playing, as people buy and bring in packs and share their interests and hobbies at the same time.

Some of the classic packs are supercars, superheroes, and super villains, but there are plenty more to choose from like Shakespeare’s plays and scary movies. Keep an eye out for the various The Simpsons Top Trump packs. These are becoming collector’s items, along with a few other big-name packs.

fun office games for team building

4. Some of the best office games are free

If there is a group of you on a lunch break there are some fall virtual team building activities you can engage with your coworkers to increase team building. You can be munching on your sandwiches together at your desks or in a break room and still have some laughs.

First on the list should be the game Who Am I? This game has been around a long, long time. It came back into fashion after a scene in the Quentin Tarantino film Inglorious Basterds in 2009. During a tense and pivotal part of the movie, the good guys and the bad guys are playing a game while drinking together.

The rules are simple to follow, and post-it notes come in very handy here. Everyone needs to write the name of a famous person from all of human history on a post-it and stick it to the forehead of the player to their left. The aim of the game is to ask a few questions as possible to guess who you are.

5. Two pence table football

This game for two players is a classic from high school. All you need is some kind of counter or coin to play, but a two-pence piece is perfect. You have to score your opponent’s goal, that is all there really is to it.

Two players sit opposite each other at a desk. The defender makes goal posts with their fingers on their end, and the attacker places their two pence on the edge of their side, with some of the coin hanging over the edge.

The coworker or colleague have to knock the coin into play on the desk with the palm of their hand, and then have three flicks to score a goal. Players then switch sides. Play first to five goals or see how many you can both score in half an hour. 

These quick fun office games should be enough to keep you entertained during a quick lunch break. All these also helps to break the ice between colleagues. It increase office productivity and reduce stress.