Tips for protecting your online privacy


tips for protecting your online privacy

We are all at risk of data theft. The second we connect to the World Wide Web, our critical data can be accessed by clever hackers, unless we are protected. There are a lot of things that you can incorporate into your online activities that can reduce the risk of a cyber-attack. Learn our best tips for protecting your online privacy.

These are cyber-protection guidelines put together to educate you on the ever-present risks. Follow these internet safety rules and keep yourself safe.

1. Changing passwords

This is something you should do every month, as there are hackers that send out automated bots to try and hack passwords. Use a password generator that creates strong passwords and your browser will remember these passwords; when using shared computers, do not check the ‘remember me’ box.

It is a very common practice in the field of internet safety rules. You must follow it rigorously and you will never regret. 

2. Use a firewall

Simply put, a firewall is one more barrier that the hacker has to overcome and, in most cases, using a firewall is enough to stop the average hacker. There are some free downloads of firewall applications, or you could subscribe to a provider, which is probably better.

You can purchase or go for a subscription basis, depending on your need. Based on the nature of your business model, you can decide how much to invest for it.

3. Business users

Using professional network security solutions in Charlotte is by far the best cyber-security option, as this brings you 24/7 security from a professional team of ethical hackers. There are many types of malware out there and in order to have complete protection, you need regular penetration testing to see just how good your network defenses really are, which is a service provided by a network security specialist.

It is one of the best way for protecting your online privacy. Such strong system leave no loophole in the system for hackers.

4. Update anti-virus database often

Your anti-virus program only recognizes the viruses in the virus database, which needs to be updated at regular intervals, otherwise new malicious code won’t be recognized. New viruses are created on an almost daily basis and something unknown can slip through without you ever knowing. 

To protect your identity online, make the update setting on a daily basis. It might slow your system during the database update, but the wait is worth. It is one of the sure ways to avoid data breach. Always use only one anti-virus in your system at a time.

how to protect your identity online

5. Phishing alert

Phishing involves copying a website, probably a bank or credit card company and you receive an email asking to re enter your personal information. The site looks genuine and most people assume it is from their bank and give the information they require. If you receive a suspicious email like this, rather than clicking on the link given, go to your bookmarks and access the site from there and you will realize the real website is not the same as the one on the link.

Also check that the website starts with https, not http. The SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate will help you to identify a malicious website.

6. Email attachments

Never double click on an email attachment unless you are expecting the file, as this is a popular way to deliver malicious code; one double click and the virus is installed onto your hard drive and it will do whatever it is designed to do. These files are usually .exe files, which execute the command to start the virus infection process and you should inform all your employees about this, warning them in advance.

Read carefully before opening any suspicious mail. If you are unsure about the origin, do trash it. Email spamming and data breaching are the most common tactics.

Bonus Tip

There have been many cases where people have tried to find out more information about you by looking at your profile picture. Avatars can be a great way of keeping yourself anonymous while online. Find the best avatar apps online and create your unique photo.

There are many ongoing criminal cases involving cyber-crime and should you ever be the victim of cyber-crime. Read more for case studies and learn how to protect your privacy online.

We hope that the above advice helps keep you protected and if you run a business, talk to a leading cyber-security company, who has all the solutions.