Effectively promoting an Online Business in 5 ways

How to increase the online presence of a business?


How to increase the online presence of a business

Selling products these days requires businesses to set up a website since most consumers are shopping online. Businesses that already have a website will not find it challenging to connect with their market since they already have a considerable presence online.

On the other hand, businesses that only started setting an online presence will have a lot of work to do to promote their online business. The first thing the business should do is to work with a reliable SEO company to optimize the website and make it ready for any marketing strategies the business will implement.

While they have a lot of work ahead of them, the business can still reach its target market if it can effectively promote the website online. Here are some things these businesses can do.

1. Use Google My Business:

Registering the website on Google My Business (GMB) is one effective way of promoting a business online. GMB is a free tool that businesses can use to promote their website and business profile on Google Search and Google Maps. This is particularly useful for businesses with a brick-and-mortar store. The tool allows a business to connect with its customers online and offline.

Businesses can post content on their GMB account to allow them to engage with potential customers. It also piques the interest of people who are looking for something in the area using Google Maps since the content will be visible to them.

Additionally, GMB allows the loyal customers of a business to post reviews that help promote the business. A recent survey showed that nearly 50 percent of people patronize a business if it has a rating of at least four stars. This will encourage the business to ensure its customers are satisfied with the products and services it offers since anyone can post a review.

2. Give exclusive offers to loyal customers:

Building a loyal customer base is important for a business to thrive online since these loyal customers normally promote the business to their family and friends. To ensure these customers remain loyal, a business may offer exclusive previews to products and services it offers in the market.

Aside from giving them a preview, the business can also invite these loyal customers to a virtual pre-launch party. It can also provide discounts on the products it’s selling to show how much the business values them.

3. Conduct an Email Marketing Campaign:

Email marketing allows a business to promote its website, products, and services electronically. It can come in the form of general messages, email promotions, or newsletters. The business can start the campaign with its loyal customers. The email can inform them of any promotions and encourage them to share the promotions with their family and friends.

The business can also start collecting the email addresses of visitors to its website. This way, it can send updates to these potential customers who may become loyal customers in the future. The business should also send promotions and discounts through email so these customers will not opt of out receiving regular marketing emails from the business.

The emails should highlight an offer on the subject line and focus on the value the customers will get when they patronize the business. It can also include the value a new product can give these customers to grab their attention when they go through the email.

4. Set up a Social Media Account:

Aside from the website, the business can also promote its website through social media. Research has shown that around 70 percent of adult Americans use social media to connect with their family and friends. The business should take advantage of this and connect with its audience through social media.

The business can engage with its customer on social media by regularly posting content on its accounts. It can also share user-generated content to show these users that the business appreciates them Additionally, it can answer the questions of consumers on social media. Its social media posts can also direct visitors to its website. This is quite useful if the business is promoting a new product or service in the market.

5. Host live events:

Hosting live events allows a business to engage with its customers. It can host these events through its social media accounts. It can promote a product or service and direct the audience to its website if they are interested in buying the product.

One of the tools they can use is the Facebook Watch Party feature. But since this feature is set to end, the business can opt to look for alternatives, such as the Facebook Live feature.

Increasing the presence of a business online can be challenging. But it is not impossible if the business owner knows what to do.


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