Adrenaline rushed or crushed: 7 ways to tackle an Escape Room


How to play Escape Room game

Although escape rooms are considered top-tier forms of entertainment, they can get challenging and hard at times. The gentle anticipation and rush can be exciting but that shouldn’t make you forget the main goal. The original motive of escape rooms is to teach your team the importance of cooperation, teamwork, and healthy competition, as you escape the room under the given time limit. Learn the top 7 tips and tricks regarding how to play Escape Room game successfully.

To easily tackle an escape room, there are a set of strategies you and your team have to play by. Adhere to them, and you can surely attain your well-deserved bragging rights after your victory! Although it is okay to lose, the joy and confidence you get with a triumph are beyond compare. So, when you look for rage rooms near me, you can try these strategies.

So, are you going to get your adrenaline levels rushed or crushed? Check out our tips and tricks regarding how to play Escape room.

1. Choose the best partner in crime

Your gameplay in the room is solely dependent on who you bring along. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to bring tech geniuses or the nerds in your class or office. It means you should bring along people you are comfortable around. They could be your closest friends or your favorite cousins.

Escape rooms are all about communication and delivery. When you are around your best friends, it is easier to focus and understand each other. 

Another thing to pay attention to is the number of people you bring along. Solving nerve-wracking puzzles with just one other team member is close to impossible. On the other hand, having ten to twelve people yelling at the same time will only give you an unwanted headache. With the perfect number of partners-in-crime by your side, you are all set for an exciting escape!

2. Walk-in with a bright outlook

Positivity can make any problem seem tiny. Escape rooms are designed in such a way that the whole environment seems unreal and unfamiliar. Whether it’s a dingy room in a haunted manor or a deadly zombie apocalypse, every element can seem overwhelming!

That is when your optimism should kick in! Encourage your fellow teammates to stay motivated and begin searching for clues! Even when you reach a dead-end, positive encouragement can help you keep going. Be confident in yourself! Don’t let some mind-bending riddle frustrate you! These riddles are all a part and parcel of the overall experience!

3. Speak up!

If you find something that could be a potential clue, let the others know! In a birthday party where escape room clues and puzzles are usually related to each other, so what you find could be the answer to something someone else’s question. 

If neither of you speaks, the effort goes in vain. Don’t be afraid of voicing your opinions and thoughts! Your input is valuable! 

4. Listen up

Although it is necessary to put yourself out there and let everyone know what you think, make it a point to lend an ear as well. Every member could know something you don’t, so don’t talk over them. 

This rule not only applies to your teammates but also the Game Guide. When the game guide tells something about the rules or the storyline of the room, pay attention. For all you know, what they say could also have some clues or hidden hints in them that could lead you to a sweet victory!

tips and tricks to win escape room game

5. Don’t leave a clue behind

The intricate puzzles are the heart and soul of escape rooms! Every clue or object that you acquire could be the key to your escape. 

Players often come across a photo frame with a number code and a key next to it. Their attention might get directed towards the key because of a locked door nearby, while the number code falls into a blind spot. That is when they make a major mistake! Of course, the key could open some doors for you but that doesn’t mean the code you saw isn’t useful. 

Examine everything you run into, and don’t ignore the clues!

6. Beat the clock

Time is expensive! As you solve puzzles and advance through the game, don’t forget that there is a time limit! Keep track of the time you have left and work accordingly. Don’t waste your precious time lingering on a puzzle you can’t solve. If you aren’t able to crack a code, pass the baton, and see if someone else can do it with a different perspective.

On the other hand, you need to recognize what to ignore! Some props in the game could merely be props that have no association with the storyline of the escape room. These misleading objects are called red herrings. That television set you saw in the corner of the room could just be another red herring!

The clock is ticking away, and wasting time staring at a useless gadget will lead to nowhere.

7. Ask for clues

Every escape room has a ‘Game Guide’ or a ‘Game Master’. They usually monitor your team through cameras and microphones and they know what you are missing out on. Most escape rooms allow the team members to request a certain number of hints. 

If you ever feel like you have reached a dead-end and nothing makes sense, they will be more than eager to lend you a helping hand. So, don’t hesitate! Anything the game guide says could also be the key to your escape!


Escape rooms are one the best forms of entertainment that can get your adrenaline rushing and your mind working on full boost. Escaping well-built rooms leave you and your friends feeling fulfilled. They give you a fun memory to cherish, especially if you emerge victoriously!

However, in the end, the escape rooms are more about what you learn and how much fun you had. Situations can get stressful and you might not break free on time, but you can take the loss sportingly and laugh it off. It all breaks down to the time you spent bonding and knowing more about your friends. Follow our above mentioned tips to play and win Escape room games.

Still can’t control that raging competitive spirit?

Apply these strategies effectively and you will have a guaranteed success, and a lifetime of bragging rights! There is always an escape room for you to try and conquer! Scared out of your wits in the haunted hotel? Go on a treasure-hunt adventure! The choices are endless!

Author Bio:

Charlotte Lin is a content creator at She’s a passionate young woman, mother to an amazing nine-year-old and an avid reader. Over the years, writing has helped her explore and understand the world as well as her own self. She loves to travel, meet new people, and spend quality time with her daughter. You can find her on LinkedIn.


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