Financial Security 101: A crash course on Personal Insurance Policies

Personal insurance policies: fundamentals and differences.


Personal insurance policies fundamentals and differences

People can live their entire lives by going through the motions and seeing where their roads take them. They can be perfectly happy with facing the uncertainties that life throws at them and confidently crossing bridges when they chance upon them. But some people just aren’t built that way. Some people find comfort in knowing that no matter what happens to them in the future, they won’t have trouble supporting themselves financially because their lives are insured.

That is the main purpose of having insurance – to live life freely without the fear of risks and knowing that you have a safety net to fall back on if you encounter them. There are many types of insurance policies, but here are three of the most common ones that you should know of:

Life insurance:

Among the three types of coverage written here, life insurance benefits are the only ones you can’t enjoy yourself. This is because this policy’s main purpose is to cover the expenses of your funeral arrangements and compensate your family in the unlikely case of your demise.

Life insurance is an investment that is taken mainly for the sake of those you are leaving behind rather than for yourself, which is especially important if your family depends on your salary to pay their day-to-day bills. There are two types of life insurance that you can get: whole life and term life.

The first coverage plan can protect you until your death, provided that you pay your monthly premiums. On the other hand, term life can only protect your life up to a certain duration, hence the name. Both insurance policies have their pros and cons, so you should deliberately weigh them before choosing which to get.

Health insurance:

The average person gets hospitalized at least once in their life for various reasons – be it an accident, serious health condition, or a chronic illness. This is because humans are fragile beings that aren’t immune to infections or unforeseeable circumstances that couldn’t have been avoided.

Having health insurance that can financially support the policyholder is the best way to be prepared against medical emergencies. These coverage plans can pay for the accumulated bills you get from critical illnesses, life-threatening accidents, and other health-related expenses so that you won’t have to pay out of your own pockets.

Some policies even have provisions that can provide you and your family with daily allowances if you lose income because of a medical emergency. This insurance policy can also compensate your beneficiaries in the unlikely case of your demise, which is important if you are the breadwinner of your family.

Most full-time employment opportunities can include health coverage as part of the benefits, but others may not. In such cases, you can take matters into your own hands by looking for a private insurance provider who can offer you good benefits for a reasonable price.

Disability insurance:

Many people don’t believe they will ever become disabled until they do, and by then, it might be too late to do anything about it. But having a long-term disability insurance policy can help you prepare for the worst-case scenario, even if you don’t ever get to use it in this lifetime.

This insurance policy is designed to replace your income if you become disabled and can, therefore, no longer work to make a living. Some disabilities can hinder a person from working for a few months or years, possibly, ever again, which is why this insurance coverage is important.

While health coverage can pay for your hospitalization and other medical bills, it cannot provide you and your family with sufficient money to maintain a quality of life. If this happens to you and you aren’t prepared for it, you may have difficulty finding funds to pay for your day-to-day bills. Like all investments, getting your life insured will come at a price. Money can’t buy you happiness nor another life. Still, it can get you an insurance policy that can protect the life you currently have against the unforeseeable circumstances that can threaten to take it away.

You might not think that having insurance is worth your money because you will never get to use it, but not having one might prove to be more expensive in the future. So before you spend your money on material things that lose their value over time, consider getting your life and health insured first because you never know when you will need it.


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