Law Firm Marketing done right with this Free Photo Video Maker

Learn tips to make high quality video content for Law firm marketing.


Tips to make High Quality Video Content

A survey says that about 96% of individuals state that they watch videos to understand concepts and 84% of these resort to buying a product or service after watching the brand’s video. With these figures in mind, it becomes evident that several industries are discovering the true potential of video content marketing.

Law firms that have a video marketing strategy in place witness a jump by 41% in potential client visits to their website. This increase in client gain is a clear indicator that law firms need to adopt videos not only to increase website traffic but also to expand their clientele.

Tips and Tricks for Law Firm Marketing:

Here are a few law firm marketing strategies that work like magic:

Perform Keyword Research:

Video production takes time and effort. Naturally, you would not want that to go to waste as your video gets erased into anonymity!

To offer high visibility to your video, you must consider performing keyword research. To do this, think of the problem from a client’s perspective. Ask yourself, what would you search if you seek information regarding a particular topic. Then, identify the keywords related to your video and include it in your video description and title.

Invest in Script Writing and Editing:

When you are attempting to connect with your clients on an emotional and intellectual level, it is essential to sound authoritative. However, that does not mean that your script must be overloaded with legal jargon. Keep it simple, straight, and to the point.

ethical or legal

A good script that follows a conversational tone and covers the entire topic in a natural flow is like striking gold. Delivery is just as crucial as writing the script. Hence it is advisable to practice it several times before you start recording.

Develop High-Quality Video Content:

Your law firm must produce high-quality, branded videos. Why? 62% of clients can develop a negative perception of a law firm if the videos are of poor quality. Remember, a brand is a lot more than a logo. A brand encompasses everything – right from perception to the emotions that it evokes. Engage with your clients to leave behind a lasting impact. 

High-value, high-quality videos are a statement that you are willing to go the distance to meet your client requirements. Quality videos will attract quality leads and clients. 

Decide on the Type of Videos:

Depending on where your clients stand in the sales funnel, you may have to make use of different types of videos to engage with them. The best types of videos that are suitable for law firms include:

  • Case Studies: Case Studies are a great way to display your skills and show your clients your capabilities. They also double as testimonials as it goes to prove that a client put their trust in you and your firm managed to reward them for it.
  • Explainers: Educational videos are, by far, the best way to attract clients. You can not only put your expertise to good use but also feature the benefits offered by your company. They help establish trust in your law firm and are easy to produce.
  • Frequently Asked Questions: FAQs or Q&A sessions can help eliminate any doubts or concerns that potential clients may have. It offers complete freedom to be as broad or as specific as you desire.
  • Video Bios: Video bios adds a human touch to your law firm and establishes familiarity. You get the opportunity to display the faces starting from lead attorneys to those who work behind the curtains, such as interns.
  • Service Overview: This video describes the list of services that you offer. Start by mapping your service against a pain point so that the client knows about the services that they must avail.

Since each video type serves a specific purpose, proportionate weightage must be given to distributing these evenly across the various channels.

Stay Consistent and Frequent:

Posting a single video on your YouTube and having a couple on your website is not going to be enough! It is a good practice to post one new video per week. However, not every video requires you to promote your law firm. Choose any video type from those listed above and churn out great videos. 

Having a video maker app at your disposal can make it highly convenient for you to produce videos consistently. There are many excellent photo video maker free download available online. 

Include CTAs in Videos:

Law firms are generally hesitant to include Call-To-Action (CTA) in their videos because they think that will be too forward. However, not adding a CTA defeats the entire purpose of creating and publishing videos, that is, telling the viewers what to do next!

You need to make use of CTA to nudge your viewers towards the next logical step. Depending on the stage of buyer’s journey they may be at, you can modify the CTA. As a result, you will have a subtle and helpful CTA that is far from aggressive marketing.

Here are some excellent examples of CTAs that you can use:

  • For more details, click on the link below
  • Visit our website <URL> to know more about <topic>
  • Need legal help? Call <phone number>
  • Fill the form below for a free consultation.

Post Videos Over Multiple Platforms:

Once you have created the videos, it is time to post them online. Consider this: a legal consumer requires eight touches before booking a consultation with your firm. Thus, it is crucial to be omnipresent to market your videos. Being present on various channels will ensure that you are always on your client’s mind.

Typically, the key platforms to post your videos include:

  • Your Website
  • Landing Pages
  • YouTube
  • Facebook

You must also optimize the videos to play seamlessly over these platforms. Further, include transcripts and closed captions for the videos on all platforms for optimization and inclusivity.

Final Takeaway:

With these handy tips, law firms can get the most out of their video marketing efforts. Make education the central theme of your videos and discreetly add your branding. Such a strategy will assure the potential clients of your expertise, engage them, and capture their attention in the best possible way.


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