5 common landscaping mistakes you need to avoid now

Top tips for maintaining good commercial landscaping.


5 Common Landscaping Mistakes You Need to Avoid Now

A well-landscaped yard for your building can become the centerpiece of a commercial property. Its aesthetic value may even add to its selling price if you plan to resell the business, lock, stock, and barrel. But how do you achieve an attractive commercial landscape?

A good starting point would be think about form as well as function. An experienced commercial landscaping service will tell you that good design is part form and part function. Every design element should serve a purpose because you’ll want people to not just admire your commercial grounds. You’ll them to interact with your outdoor space; to sit and linger on the benches or walk along well-lit pathways.

Florist and gardener from this website says that a lot of people tend to over-water their plants, thinking that it will improve growth. Its effect is the opposite. You don’t have to worry about your yard not receiving water unless you see wilted leaves. The amount of watering it needs will depend on the type of soil you have. If it is loamy or clay, there is no need to water your plants too often. If it is a sandy soil, that is the time you need to water your yard more often.

Another way to ensure good commercial landscaping is to avoid the common mistakes:

Placing plants anywhere you want:

Before placing the plants in your preferred spot, make sure to determine the amount of sunlight and water it needs. Can it thrive in rocky or dirt beds? Should you add mulch around it? Can you put other plants around it? These are only some things you should keep in mind so that your plants will achieve its full growth potential.

Cutting the lawn grass too much:

While freshly-cut grass does make your yard look cleaner and neater, you should not be too zealous when doing it. When you cut the grass too short, it cannot grow properly. Instead, make sure to cut the grass to about 2 to 3 inches to ensure better growth.

Watering your plants too much:

A lot of people tend to over-water their plants, thinking that it will improve growth. Its effect is the opposite. You don’t have to worry about your yard not receiving water unless you see wilted leaves. The amount of watering it needs will depend on the type of soil you have. If it is loamy or clay, there is no need to water your plants too often. If it is a sandy soil, that is the time you need to water your yard more often.

Using tires as a substitute for plant pots:

This may depend on your personal choice. If you are an advocate of sustainable living, choosing alternatives for planting flowers, herbs, and the like can be a good idea. However, it may not be a good idea to use such recyclable materials if you are aiming to increase your commercial property’s value. But there are concerns about using tires as planters, especially for edible plants.

Failure to plan for water and energy conservation:

Landscaped yards eat up resources, particularly water. Of course, you don’t want to skimp on the resources just to save money. Because then your commercial grounds would not look as appealing as the competitors. Instead, talk to your commercial landscaping provider about using trees and shrubbery to shade the building. You can also redesign the sprinkler system to ensure that water is never wasted. With sustainable practices for your yard, you cut cost while maintaining the beauty of your landscaping.

An attractive commercial landscape appeals to customers. It encourages them to check out the business, to enjoy the outdoors space, and linger long enough to make transactions. So make sure your landscaped yard is as lush and healthy as can be.


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